What is the recommended dosage of Dorithricin ®? | Dorithricin ®

What is the recommended dosage of Dorithricin ®?

The recommended dosage of the manufacturer of Dorithricin throat tablets Classic ® is to suck 1-2 tablets slowly several times a day (every 2-3 hours) as needed. The recommendation of the doctor or pharmacist who recommended the medication to you is of paramount importance. The tablets should also be taken one day after the symptoms have subsided.

What does Dorithricin ® cost?

Dorithricin throat tablets Classic ® are distributed by the company Medice and can be purchased as a pharmacy-only drug exclusively in (mail-order) pharmacies. There are different pack sizes available. 20 tablets cost about 5-7 Euro.

What medications can be taken as an alternative to Dorithricin ®?

In order to relieve the discomfort of infections of the mouth and throat, leading especially the sore throat, there are numerous alternatives to Dorithricin throat tablets Classic ®. Just going into the kitchen at home presents many helpful household remedies for sore throats. These include, for example, sage tea, which can not only be drunk but also gargled and can provide relief through its antibacterial and pain-relieving effect.

Gargling also works with salt water. There are also numerous medicines that have a similar effect to Dorithricin ®. Examples are Lemocin ®, Dolo-Dobendan ® or neo-angin ®.It is best to seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist, who can recommend the right medicine for you depending on your symptoms.