When is my child not allowed to go to kindergarten when he or she is sick? | Kindergarten

When is my child not allowed to go to kindergarten when he or she is sick?

Kindergarten children have approximately five to ten times in the year a cold with cold and cough, which particularly loads parents, who are employed. With such rather banal illnesses, there is no generally valid regulation, which forbids parents to send the child into the kindergarten. Parents must decide for themselves whether it is reasonable for their child to bring it to kindergarten or not.

Individual kindergartens have their own recommendations for such diseases. Usually such children are sent to kindergarten as long as they are fit and alert. However, if fever, diarrhea or vomiting is added to the normal cold, pediatricians recommend leaving the child at home.

In the case of infectious diseases against which children are usually vaccinated, such as mumps or measles, there are special precautions to be taken to protect unvaccinated children. As long as the child can infect other children, he or she is not allowed to go to kindergarten. There are different time intervals in which the child has to stay at home.

Parents are best informed about this by their pediatrician. The kindergarten must be informed that their child is suffering from a disease that is listed in the Infection Protection Act. In the case of particularly serious illnesses, such as tuberculosis, parents must even show the kindergarten a doctor’s certificate that their child may attend the kindergarten again without being a risk of infection for other children.

What should children be able to do when they enter kindergarten?

Kindergarten entry is usually around the age of three. However, age is not the only indicator of whether the child is ready for kindergarten. The child should be able to play with other children for about one or two hours without the parents.

The child must therefore be able to detach itself from its parents. In addition, it would be an advantage if the child can already focus and concentrate on a game for about a quarter of an hour. The child should also be able to form short sentences with at least three words and to express these clearly and distinctly.

Furthermore, the child should hardly need any help getting dressed or undressed. Not to forget a certain social maturity of the child, which is required. This means that the child should be interested in playing with other children, otherwise he or she would be overwhelmed in a kindergarten. The topic of the cleanliness of the children is handled very differently from kindergarten to kindergarten.In some kindergartens it is an admission criterion that the child no longer needs a diaper, in others the teachers still change some children. It is best for parents to contact the kindergarten of their choice to find out exactly what admission requirements their child must meet.