Sports | Weight gain during pregnancy – I need to know


Doing sports during pregnancy is not uncommon and should not be. Sport not only provides a balance to relaxation in this exciting phase of life, but also helps the body to better withstand the stresses and strains of pregnancy and to recover more quickly afterwards. However, it is important to know which sports are still suitable for you and what you should keep your hands off.

Gymnastic sports such as yoga or Pilates or water gymnastics are generally very suitable for pregnant women. Endurance sports such as swimming, hiking, dancing or even jogging can also be performed without hesitation up to a certain point (always check with your gynecologist!). Of course, it is also important, especially for pregnant women who are very active in sports, to keep an eye on their weight so that mother and unborn child are sufficiently supplied with nutrients and the child can develop normally. These topics might still be of interest to you:

  • Pelvic floor training during pregnancy
  • Physiotherapy during pregnancy
  • Yoga for pregnant women


In order to keep in shape during pregnancy and to prepare the body optimally for the upcoming birth, there are a number of exercises that gently and gently strengthen the body and can also prevent typical pregnancy problems such as back pain. 1.) Strengthening the back muscles Lie on your back and place your feet close to your buttocks.

Now push yourself up so that your back and thighs form a straight line. Hold this position for 20 seconds. 3 passes.

2.) Strengthening of the musculature Move into the quadruped position. Now stretch your left arm and right leg straight out.

Make sure that your hips do not sag and that your spine and head form a straight line. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then change sides. 3.)

Stretch Sit on the floor. Stretch the right leg straight and slightly to the side and bend the other leg. Now grab the stretched foot with your right hand and hold the stretch for 20 seconds, then change sides.

4.) Strengthen the muscles Lie on your side and support your head on your arm or a pillow. Lift the upper leg as far as possible towards the ceiling and also stretch the upper arm straight up.

Hold this position for 30 seconds and then change sides. 3 passes. More exercises can be found in the articles:

  • Pelvic Floor Gymnastics
  • Pelvic floor training
  • Rectus diastasis exercises