Where are Bach flowers available?
In Germany you can buy the 38 Bach Flowers in stock bottles, either individually or as a set in a pharmacy. Mixtures are also available on request. In England Bach Flower Remedies are sold in drugstores.
The stock bottles have a long shelf life and should be stored in a place protected from light at normal room temperature. A short term intake is recommended for acute illnesses or states of mind. In acute cases where the child’s mood and behaviour can change rapidly, the so-called water glass method is recommended: 2 drops of the selected flower essences are added to a glass (0.2l) of tap water.
A small sip of each is given within 2 to 3 hours. You need a brown 30ml bottle with pipette or dropper, available in every pharmacy, a still water (no distilled water), the selected Bach flower, fruit vinegar. Drop 4 drops each of one or more selected Bach flowers (available as stock bottles, available without prescription in every pharmacy) into the bottle, fill up to three quarters with fresh water, the rest with fruit vinegar.
Four drops of this vinegar are given four times a day, spread over the day, preferably on an empty stomach. Do not use a metal spoon. Leave the mixture in your mouth for a while to develop its full effect.
The mixture will remain in the brown bottle for a maximum of three to four weeks and must then be renewed. The duration of the treatment depends on the situation and state of health of the child. In acute conditions, improvement can often be seen very quickly.
Experience has shown that in the case of more serious problems that have been present for some time, it takes considerably longer – sometimes several weeks – until a clear positive change in the child’s condition can be observed. After three to four weeks, a balance must always be taken and, if necessary, the mixture must be discontinued or its composition changed. Children often have a very good sense of what they need or do not need.
It may be that the child stops taking the flower mixture on its own, refuses to take it or forgets to take it. Parents should accept this fact and not force the intake. If there is not the slightest change in the child’s behaviour after a few weeks, this can have various causes.
Of course the mixture may not be the right one. In this case it should be checked again and if necessary an experienced practitioner should be consulted. Sometimes the parents expect too much from the therapy.
Bach Flowers only cause small changes that are sometimes difficult to notice. The behaviour of children often arises from the family situation. Parents and siblings should then also be prepared to change something in their interaction with each other.
Here too, Bach Flowers can provide support. If no flower is found that suits the child, one must first assume that the child does not need treatment. If too many suitable flowers (more than 8 to 9) are found, one must first know the behaviour that has been observed in the child for a long time and also those that have only recently been added.
Treatment is started with the flowers that match the current behaviour. Take your time when selecting the flowers, observe your child carefully for a while. Basically, Bach flowers should not be taken constantly.
The flower essences are harmless, but the continuous intake of drops can cause the children to feel that they need to take something constantly to feel good. This can also lead to dependency on other substances that may not be so harmless. As soon as one has the feeling that the child needs help urgently (in case of injuries, in examination situations, fears etc.)
one can always use the so-called “emergency drops” (Rescue Remedy). The Bach emergency drops contain 5 flowers: Star of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum and Clematis. This mixture is available as a ready-to-use concentrate in pharmacies and is also a component of the Bach Flower Set.
The emergency drops are intended exclusively for acute emergencies, never to be taken over a longer period of time. They are free of side effects. Always in case of shock (accidents, injuries, including psychological ones) stress, exam nerves, homesickness and everything that frightens children in the short term, shocks and causes mental distress.
These do not always have to be the big emergencies of accidents or bad events. Also a bad school grade, quarrels with friends, fear of a spider, nightmares or the upcoming visit to the dentist are reasons for using the emergency drops. In all cases the drops have a calming and comforting effect on the child’s state of mind.
Please note: Emergency drops can in no case replace a necessary medical treatment in case of accidents! To do this, put 4 drops on a glass (0.2l) of fresh tap water and let the glass be drunk in small sips. You can repeat this procedure if there is no sufficient improvement.
If you are on the road and do not have any water available, take the emergency drops undiluted. To do this, give 1 to 2 drops from the stock bottle directly on the lips or tongue. You can also take 2 drops on the back of the hand and let it lick off.
Emergency drops can also be prepared in a bottle. To do this, put 4 drops into a brown 20ml bottle (from the pharmacy) and fill it up with fresh tap water. As a compress for minor injuries, insect bites, minor burns, tension. To do this, add 6 drops of emergency drops directly from the stock bottle on 1⁄2 l water and soak an envelope cloth with it.
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