Will a gum massage help my baby? | Baby dental care

Will a gum massage help my baby?

If the baby has severe discomfort while teething, a massage of the gums can provide initial relief. Whether the massage pleases the baby and relaxes him or her can be seen very quickly from the baby’s reaction. Through the massage the gums are better supplied with blood and can relax somewhat.

Using special silicone finger cots (available at the pharmacy) or with clean fingers, parents can gently massage the baby’s gums. With light pressure and circular movements the gums can be cared for. You will quickly notice whether the massage pleases the baby or not.

Basically, there is not much you can do wrong when massaging the baby’s gums. It is important not to exert too much pressure. Furthermore, a mixture of a drop of chamomile and oil is suitable for massaging the gums. This mixture can be massaged carefully on the gums.

Gum gel – How useful is it?

Most gum gels contain a local anesthetic such as lidocaine or similar. This has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves the swelling.However, the use of these gels in babies is controversial and should only be used as a last resort to relieve swelling and discomfort. It is very important to consult with the pediatrician in charge and to weigh all other treatment options.