Yoga for a Good Belly Feeling

Stomach aches always hit us when we don’t need it at all. A good remedy for abdominal pain – even if it is difficult – is gentle exercise. We’ll show you the ideal relaxation program. These yoga exercises will help you unclench your core, so that the unpleasant abdominal discomfort is quickly forgotten.

Yoga against abdominal pain

Exercise 1

Get into the heel seat. Keep head and back as straight as possible. Inhale and exhale a few times.

Exercise 2

Then stretch the left leg straight back on the floor. The arms are at the sides of the body. The forehead touches the floor. Relax for three minutes and concentrate on breathing. Then extend the other leg backward and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 3

Brace on hands and knees, hang head and make a cat hump.

Exercise 4

After two minutes, stretch the head upward and let the spine sag downward. Also hold for two minutes.

Exercise 5

Heel sit. Stretch the arms above the head, palms together. Tighten the buttocks, shift the weight slightly forward, and pull the upper body up with the arms without leaving the heel seat. Hold for one minute.

Exercise 6

Supine position. Pull the legs toward the upper body and clasp them with the arms. Slowly swing to the left and right

Exercise 7

For this exercise, place a pillow on the floor in front of you. Then get into a heel seat. Let your belly sink down onto your thighs. At the same time, slide your arms forward. Slowly place your forehead on the pillow. Then place your arms next to your body. Stay as relaxed as possible in this posture and breathe calmly.

Exercise 8

The next exercise will help you come back to yourself and regenerate. Sit down with your legs straddled. Then place the soles of your feet together. Slide your arms under your legs, trying to bring your arms as close to the floor as possible. Lower your head and breathe deeply and calmly into your abdomen.

Exercise 9

Shoulder bridge has a particularly calming effect when breathing properly into the abdomen. Come to the supine position. The legs are placed bent, the heels press into the floor. Lift the pelvis first and then the back, vertebra by vertebra, until your body forms an inclined plane from your shoulders to your knees. Arms rest at the sides of your body with palms facing up. Remain in this posture and breathe calmly and deeply into your abdomen. Note: To lower back down, lift the heels and allow each vertebra to return to the floor one at a time.

Exercise 10

This exercise is optimal for relaxing the abdomen. Lie down in the prone position. Extend the right arm in the extension of the body and rest your head on the upper arm. Bend your left leg and bring your knee close to your body until you are lying comfortably. Find a comfortable place for your left arm. Remain lying in this position and continue breathing calmly and deeply. Before leaving the posture, stretch and stretch extensively.

Exercise 11

In shoulder stand, because of the calm, deep abdominal breathing, you can quickly relax and focus on the center of your body. Supine position. Place the legs bent. Raise the pelvis and slide a pillow underneath. Slowly lower the pelvis until you are lying comfortably. Neck, shoulders and arms are relaxed on the floor. Stretch both legs upward and hold them there. Remain in this position for several minutes, breathing deeply into your abdomen.