Analysis of the workplace situation | PC workstation analysis and ergonomization

Analysis of the workplace situation

In order to create an exact analysis of the workplace conditions, an interdisciplinary team of company physicians, physiotherapists, psychologists and employees should ideally be involved. An overall health management of a company includes a needs analysis, a concept for restructuring the workplace including the implementation and a control of the measures taken. This concept should, if possible, be implemented in advance of the workplace setup (prophylaxis) or when employees change jobs and not only when employees already complain about various complaints.

A precise knowledge of the situation at the workplace is a prerequisite for starting points for improvement. This includes the analysis of the work furniture, the screen in terms of size, position and setting, the climate, light and room conditions and the examination of work content, requirements and stress levels. Although the changes to the workplace may involve costs, the investments will pay off relatively quickly for the employer in the form of fewer sick leaves and more satisfied employees.

Ergonomization of the PC workstation without large investments

The optimal setup of a PC workstation can be found under the topic Ergonomic Workstation.

  • Adjustment of chair and table to the height of the employee
  • Placement of the screen
  • Adjustment of contrast, colors and screen saver
  • Improvement of the light and climate conditions in the room
  • Reduction of workload and stress and improvement of the working atmosphere can only be achieved in cooperation with the whole team, the work management and possibly a supervision after a detailed analysis.

Adaptation of employee behavior to the respective work situation.

It is certainly easier to set up a workplace more economically than to examine the behavior of the employees at the workplace and change rules of conduct. In order to analyze the working behavior of employees, standardized questionnaires help to investigate topics such as working hours, movement at work and outside of work, sitting positions, recurring work processes, drinking and break behavior.