Abdominal muscle training in standing position | Training of the abdominal musculature

Abdominal muscle training in standing position

One exercise that can be done standing up and trains the abdominal muscles is the squat. The starting position is a hip-wide stand. In each hand a dumbbell (alternatively a bottle of water) should be held.

The buttocks are moved down backwards and held in a final position. The thighs are approximately parallel to the floor and the abdomen is strained as much as possible. This position is held for ten seconds before you stand up again completely.

Another exercise is the medicine ball ABC. Here a medicine ball is held above the head with outstretched arms. From this position the medicine ball is moved back and forth in front of the body and letters are written in the air.

The arms should always be stretched out. Through the tension and movement in the trunk, the abdominal muscles are effectively trained. Another standing exercise is the diagonal kicks with arms and legs.

From an upright position, the right leg is first stretched out, led upwards and crossed diagonally with the left arm. Both limbs are returned to the starting position and the left leg and right arm perform the same movement. The diagonally curved limbs cross each other in front of the body and are then always returned to the starting position. The abdomen is tensed and the upper body should be kept as still as possible.

Abdominal muscle training while sitting

Also with the lateral abdominal muscles, many exercises can be found, through which the muscles are strengthened and also muscle building can be carried out. The lateral forearm support is a static exercise for strengthening the lateral abdominal muscles. The body is supported on the outside of one foot (e.g. the right foot) and the forearm of the same side (right forearm) is supported on the floor.

The body forms a line from ankle to head that should not “sag”. The stability of the torso should therefore be maintained. Another exercise is the Beetle/diagonal crunch, in which the right elbow (or left elbow) is alternately led to the left knee (or right knee).

Elbow and opposite knee should meet approximately above the abdomen/torso and ideally touch briefly. Further exercises are the Russian Twist, lateral leg lifting, hip rolling, windshield wiper, lateral crunches etc.