Associated symptoms of bad breath in babies | Bad breath in the baby

Associated symptoms of bad breath in babies

A striking symptom is pain. At least the little ones express their discomfort by screaming. If pain and bad breath occur, they may refuse to eat or drink.

The infected oral mucosa reacts particularly sensitively to touch. In connection with inflammation of the oral mucosa, a reddening of the mouth can be observed. Many small aphthae can also spread in the oral cavity.

These are usually whitish blisters surrounded by a red seam. In tonsillitis, the pharyngeal tonsils are swollen red. When the mouth is open, they are already visible in the pharynx.

The lymph nodes can also be swollen. It is important to observe not only the lymph nodes in the neck region, but also those located further away. In the case of sore throats, the immune system is weakened and a fever can also occur. This is a defensive reaction of the body, but also a sign that an infection is present. If you eat the wrong kind of food, because, as described above, you lack appetite, it can also lead to gastrointestinal problems.

Diagnosis of bad breath in the baby

However, it is important to investigate why the baby suddenly smells more. The thrush on the tongue described above is an infectious disease caused by a fungus. The baby cries more often because of the itching and possible pustules which cause severe pain.

Babies also cry when teething, but the white, non-washable coating on the tongue is not detected. When the teeth break through, you can feel with your thumb on the bone crest if you can feel a firmer spot. More advanced, a small thickening or a mound is formed. This is additionally surrounded by white colored gums. A sore throat should be diagnosed and treated by a pediatrician.

What to do if a baby has bad breath?

If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time, one should urgently consult a pediatrician. Especially also to rule out an illness.If you are sure that the cause is the eruption of the milk teeth, the visit to the dentist is not worthwhile. The smell disappears by itself.

Since small children cannot spit out yet, they must not use mouthwashes or similar. An easy way to reduce the smell is oral hygiene. Parents brush their teeth twice a day. You should use toothpaste even for small children. The most suitable toothpaste for children is one with a lower fluoride content.