Bloated Belly: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The following provides insight into the various causes, diagnosis, and progression of flatulence (med.: meteorism). In addition, ways to treat or prevent a bloated belly are discussed.

What is a bloated belly?

A bloated abdomen often occurs in association with gas, a feeling of tension and fullness, abdominal pain, and bowel sounds. Many sufferers have a bloated belly in the evening, as the stomach is now particularly challenged by the food intake during the day. The colloquial word “bloated belly” describes a distension of the stomach area in a spherical shape. This clinical picture is often also referred to as a gas belly and is usually accompanied by unpleasant pain for the person affected. In addition to a bulging, thick abdomen that feels very hard and is very sensitive to pressure, pain in the abdominal region and acoustic signals (gurgling, bubbling, gurgling) are among the most common accompanying symptoms. Especially for people in a seated working posture, the pain quickly becomes a torment. The discomfort is also maximized by tight-fitting clothing.


As different as the affected individuals are in character and characteristics, the causes of a bloated belly are also very differentiated. Heavy, high-fiber and high-fat diets can be as much a trigger as persistent malnutrition or undernutrition. This observation is accompanied by the fact that an excess of food intake is therefore not necessarily responsible for a fat belly. In this clinical picture, it may also be important to pay attention to which foods the affected person eats. Cabbage, salads or legumes are mostly known for their bloating effect. But lactose, fructose or gluten can also be the trigger for a gas belly in those affected. If, despite observing all the “food rules”, the patient is still troubled by a bloated belly, he or she should also check his or her eating habits, if necessary. Often, hastily gulped down food in combination with carbonated soft drinks or coffee can also be triggers for a bloated belly. Typical conditions that exhibit a bloated belly as a symptom are: Fructose intolerance, Acute pancreatitis, Hirschsprung’s disease and of course flatulence in general.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

During the digestive process, various gases are formed, including methane and carbon monoxide, as well as fermentation and putrefactive gases. If the patient suffers from meteorism, these gases cannot escape naturally. Instead, a number of accompanying symptoms occur which, although not dangerous, place a great deal of stress on those affected. A bloated belly usually forms after eating fatty or flatulent foods such as cabbage and legumes. But eating too hastily or food intolerances can also be the cause of the disorder. The intestinal gases that accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract then bulge the abdominal wall outward. The silhouette of the affected person appears puffy. In addition to bloating, patients often suffer from feelings of tension as well as fullness, even if they have eaten very little. Severe abdominal pain is very common, which can be accompanied by cramps or even colicky attacks. In these cases, symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting often also occur. Other typical accompanying symptoms are clearly audible bowel sounds such as gurgling or bubbling. It is not uncommon for a bloated abdomen to be followed by an increased discharge of intestinal gases (flatulence), which may also be associated with involuntary loss of stool or diarrhea. The physical symptoms of a bloated abdomen are usually harmless, but those affected suffer emotionally. This is especially true in company, as bowel sounds and bowel movements are considered completely unacceptable, but sufferers are no longer in control of their bodily functions when they have a pronounced flatulent stomach.

Diagnosis and course

Affected individuals usually seek medical attention after the problem of bloated abdomen does not disappear on its own for several days, the upper and lower abdomen appear swollen and hard, and they experience severe pain due to the bloating of the stomach area. In addition, if nausea, diarrhea and vomiting accompany the clinical picture, a visit to a doctor’s office is inevitable.A bloated belly is usually easy for an experienced physician to diagnose and treatment can be initiated according to the cause (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerance, eating habits, lack of exercise, histamine intolerance, lactose intolerance, fructose malabsorption). Acute symptoms usually last for several hours and (especially in the case of chronic gas belly) may persist for several days. The duration of the disease ultimately always depends on the triggering moment and the treatment measures.


Individuals with gas belly often suffer from an uncomfortable body sensation. They feel pressure in their body, but – due to social conventions – are often unable to relieve it. The urge to let out gases from inside the body is suppressed. As a result, the complaints can intensify. Particularly at work, at social events and in public places, a bloated belly can be very unpleasant for those affected. The affected person often only concentrates on the bloated center of the body, which can limit their physical and mental well-being as well as their general performance. A bloated abdomen is often also associated with a feeling of tension and fullness and with lower abdominal pain. Bowel sounds in the form of gurgling or gurgling may also occur. A severely distended abdomen may also be visible from the outside. Other complications may include stool irregularities, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. If women suffer from a bloated abdomen during menstruation, abdominal discomfort is usually added. There may be an irritable mood. Impatience and dissatisfaction may set in. A bloated belly can also become chronic. Often, those affected also suffer from pain. It may be necessary to take pain medication. The pain medications can lead to further complications such as vomiting, nausea or headaches.

When should you see a doctor?

A bloated belly is usually harmless and causes discomfort for a few days at most. Perhaps the meal was too sumptuous or it was gobbled down too quickly. However, if the flatulence is persistent, a doctor should clarify the cause. This is especially true if the flatulence persists for a long time, is very severe and affects the quality of life. Then, under certain circumstances, a serious illness can be hidden behind it. In any case, the doctor should be consulted if, in addition to flatulence, other symptoms such as breathing difficulties, severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, chronic constipation, dizziness, chest pain or even cardiac congestion occur. A warning sign is also the appearance of blood on the stool. Then the doctor should be consulted in any case, in order to exclude possibly serious intestinal diseases or intestinal cancer. A visit to the doctor also becomes necessary if the bloated belly occurs in connection with other known diseases such as heart failure. The observation that certain foods such as milk or cereals often cause flatulence should also prompt a visit to the doctor. It could be a serious food intolerance. In most cases, however, even if symptoms are severe, there will be harmless reasons. However, when the exact cause is identified, the doctor can initiate appropriate therapy or give advice on a special diet to get rid of the annoying flatulence.

Treatment and therapy

After seeing a medical professional, the right medication often helps quite quickly against flatulence. Especially in the case of an organic disease, often the intake of digestive supportive enzymes helps very effectively. Those affected who do not want to resort to pharmaceutical remedies right away can first examine their eating habits themselves and change them if necessary. For example, they should refrain from eating legumes and drinks containing alcohol or strong carbon dioxide. Raw vegetables, coffee or black tea are also not recommended for those affected. After this initial change (if necessary), various teas, for example from anise, caraway, fennel, coriander or marjoram can also provide relief. In addition, abdominal massages and heat have a relaxing effect on the tissue, abdominal muscles and intestines; in this context, extended walks after meals also have a similar effect. In the field of alternative medicine, Schuessler salts number 6, number 9, number 7 and number 3 are also considered a proven method against gas belly.

Outlook and prognosis

In most cases, a bloated belly can be treated well. Often it is a reaction to an intolerance of food. Anyone who suffers from a bloated belly over a long period of time should check which foods are poorly tolerated or digested. For those affected, the problem is unpleasant but usually harmless, unless it is accompanied by complaints such as nausea, stomach pain, circulatory problems or a feeling of weakness. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor, because such supposedly harmless complaints can also conceal a heart attack. If there is no serious illness, a bloated belly has a good prognosis if foods responsible for the bloating are omitted or reduced. Many women also complain of a bloated belly just before their period. It is hormonal and disappears on its own after menstruation without treatment. In addition, psychological problems can also be the cause of flatulence. It usually disappears without further treatment once the problems or stressful situations have been overcome. However, those suffering from a psychological disorder usually need professional therapeutic support to improve their symptoms. Sometimes psychotherapy may be necessary for several years.


Unfortunately, gas belly cannot always be avoided, however, the probability of suffering from it is comparatively low if some points in the field of prevention are observed: People who are prone to a gas belly should, for example, season food more with caraway, fennel or anise and gently sauté vegetables. Sufficient chewing of food is also advantageous and has a positive effect on the figure, as it causes the feeling of satiety to set in earlier. In addition to sufficient exercise, sufficient fluid intake should also be ensured. It may also help in the long term to keep a food diary. In addition, plenty of exercise and sport helps to avoid a bloated belly and possibly a feeling of fullness.


The need for follow-up care for a bloated belly is closely related to whether a one-time food intake event or a medical condition was behind the symptom. A bloated belly caused by certain foods, such as a high proportion of legumes, or by too much air swallowed at mealtime, usually resolves spontaneously and does not require follow-up care. If the flatulence was a medical condition, the patient can ask the family doctor (or pediatrician) or internist for advice as part of follow-up care after the illness has ended. In many cases, however, follow-up care can also be left in the hands of the patient alone. If the flatulence is a recurring occurrence caused by an intolerance or allergy, it is important to consistently avoid these foods. Dieticians or nutritionists can also provide help here when it comes to food choices. Some foods can also be taken together with certain tablets to become tolerated. An example here is lactase tablets for lactose intolerance. Follow-up care in this context also includes maintaining a healthy diet despite intolerance and the need to avoid certain foods by ensuring balance through alternative foods. If the bloated belly has also been associated with symptoms such as diarrhea, stool-regulating agents such as psyllium husks will also help in the aftercare.

What you can do yourself

Eating habits play a big role in sufferers. Eating should be slow so that not so much air is swallowed. Adequate chewing is also important so that the food is sufficiently salivated before it reaches the digestive tract. For this to succeed, eating should be done attentively and calmly without distractions. Several small meals a day are often easier to digest than two or three large meals. A digestive walk after eating often helps as well. Consumption of frequently flatulent foods such as cabbage, legumes, coffee, refined sugar and carbonated beverages should be avoided. An allergy or intolerance to certain foods can also be responsible for flatulence. Therefore, a clarification with a doctor should be made in this regard. If flatulence leads to pain, the application of a warm cloth or hot water bottle can help.To decongest the intestines, special teas with fennel, caraway or aniseed help. By the way, fresh fennel also helps as a steamed vegetable. The decoction can be drunk afterwards, refined with a vegan stock cube, very well. In many cases, a circular abdominal massage in a clockwise direction also helps. If these proven house means should not help once, are available in the pharmacy freely saleable Entschäumer. These destroy the gas bubbles in the intestine and provide short-term relief. A bloated belly often occurs in stressful situations. Therefore, this should be reduced as much as possible. Regular relaxation periods, for example, with progressive muscle relaxation can work wonders.