Colorectal Cancer Screening: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Colorectal cancer represents the most common malignant tissue alteration in Europe. Each year, approximately 66,000 people develop the disease in Germany alone. Because symptoms are often multifaceted, colorectal cancer is often diagnosed late. Yet early detection by means of colorectal cancer screening offers good chances of cure.

What is colorectal cancer screening?

From the age of 50, regular screening is offered by statutory health insurers to detect colorectal cancer at the earliest possible stages. Colonoscopies are usually performed only every ten years if the findings are unremarkable. From the age of 50, regular screening examinations are offered by the statutory health insurers in order to detect colorectal cancer at the earliest possible stage. The earlier the disease is detected, the better the chances of recovery. Various measures are used as part of the screening process. Not all examinations are repeated at the same intervals. For example, colonoscopies with inconspicuous findings are usually performed only every ten years. Based on the results, the attending physician determines the individual risk for colorectal cancer and may initiate further measures. Heredity plays an important role in colorectal cancer. If there are already cases of the disease in the family, these should be mentioned during the first consultation. The screening for early diagnosis of colorectal cancer is free of charge for the insured from the age of 50 with statutory health insurance.

Function, effect and goals

The focus of colorectal cancer screening is thus early detection of the first signs of cancer. To do this, the physician uses various methods to assess the condition of the intestine. The first step is a detailed discussion between the physician and the patient. Here, all complaints should be described, if any exist. In addition, information about diseases in the family provides important clues. The examination usually begins with palpation of the rectum. An occult blood test helps to detect blood in the stool that is not visible at first glance. A positive result may indicate colorectal cancer. However, because this is not a definitive result, further tests must be performed to rule out the possibility that the red blood cells have entered the feces due to other conditions. The mirroring of the rectum is guaranteed by health insurances every 3 to 5 years. A complete colonoscopy at least twice in a lifetime. Despite the risks of a colonoscopy, it should be performed at least once. Persons who do not belong to the risk group can choose between an occult blood test, which takes place every two years, or a colonoscopy with intervals of ten years for further early detection measures. For high-risk patients, such a choice is omitted and replaced by regular thorough examinations. In general, colonoscopy is considered more reliable. Because polyps do not continuously secrete blood, the occult blood test can be negative despite existing cancer. At the same time, a positive test does not always mean colorectal cancer. Thus, the test may set off a false alarm. Colorectal cancer develops in most cases from growths in the intestinal mucosa. Because these grow very slowly, the chances of cure are high if they are detected in time. However, early detection and screening cannot be equated. The various methods for early diagnosis are not part of prevention; they merely improve the prognosis through early treatment. Prevention itself includes above all the individual behavior of the patient. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can have a preventive effect. As part of the diet, animal products should be reduced and replaced by a high proportion of plant-based food. Regular consumption of alcohol and tobacco promotes the development of tissue changes. Instead, a healthy weight should be aimed for, as well as regular bowel movements. Consuming enough fiber, fruits and vegetables contributes to good digestion. Regularly attending medical appointments to check the bowel may allow for a significant extension of life. Because men are twice as likely to suffer from colorectal cancer as women, it is worth taking a close look at the issue. Socially, colonoscopies tend to be a taboo.However, because they are highly likely to detect polyps, there should be no false shame.

Risks, side effects and dangers

Methods for early detection of colorectal cancer do not carry only advantages. For example, colonoscopy can cause injury to the organ in some patients, resulting in bleeding. In particular, if polyps are removed during the examination, bleeding cannot be ruled out. However, because a colonoscopy is only necessary every ten years, the risk can be reduced in this way. If there are no signs of colorectal cancer during the examination, it is highly unlikely that it will develop in the next ten years. However, if polyps have been found, it is usually necessary to remove them. Strict action is also required for a positive occult blood test. To be sure that the blood cells have not entered the stool via polyps, a specimen may be necessary. The individual risk is decisive for further screening. If first-degree relatives have suffered from colorectal cancer, greater attention is always paid to preventive measures and early detection. If the physician determines that the risk is only low, consideration should be given to whether colonoscopy should nevertheless be used or whether in such a case the possible harms outweigh the benefits. Sensitive individuals may have allergies to the materials used. In rare cases, pain is to be expected during colonoscopy, although it is more often perceived as merely unpleasant rather than painful. In case of anxiety, it is possible to put the patient under general anesthesia. If pregnant or taking certain medications, it should be clarified whether a colonoscopy can generally be considered.