Common Bean: Intolerance & Allergy

Common bean, also called green bean, is not only a well-known vegetable plant, but also an ancient remedy. It has a variety of effects on human health. Many physical ailments can be relieved with just simple teas made from garden bean pods or by consuming steamed or briefly cooked beans.

Here’s what you should know about the common bean

The common bean, also called the green bean, is not only a well-known vegetable plant, but also an ancient remedy. It has a variety of effects on human health. The common bean originated in South America. The oldest archaeological evidence of its existence there comes from a Peruvian cave dating back to about 6,000 B.C. The ancestral mother of the common bean is probably the wild variety Phaseolus aborigineus. The Aztecs and Incas already used its seeds and fruits for medicinal purposes. From there, the vegetable plant reached North America. In Europe it has been present since the 16th century. Today it can be found in almost all countries of the world. The bean belongs to the legume family (Fabaceae). Phaseolus vulgaris is an annual plant that occurs in two species in this country. Both have 3-toothed stem leaves and shoots growing laterally from the leaf axils. The pole bean winds upward on a climbing support to a height of 4 meters. The bush bean forms only small bushes about 60 cm high. The yellowish, white or purple 2 cm flowers are arranged alternately and stand together in clusters. The fruits of the common bean have mostly green pods from 5 to 25 cm long. They contain kidney-shaped seeds, which are mostly white, but also brownish. The pods are harvested in autumn and dried in the sun without seeds.

Importance for health

Garden beans have a positive effect on health. They can be used to treat various diseases, but also for prevention. Bean pods are weak diuretic and thus can eliminate urinary tract infections, urinary stones and urinary gravel. The pathogens and mineral salts are easily excreted renally. In addition, the pod ingredients are also helpful in gout. The inflammatory substances are eliminated in the fastest way. For use as a diuretic, common bean received a positive evaluation from Commission E. A tea made from bean pods also has a blood sugar-lowering effect: common beans have a low glycemic index and cause the blood sugar level to rise only slightly after a meal. Therefore, they are suitable for the prevention of diabetes type-2. In order to lower the elevated cholesterol level, the patient takes half a cup of prepared beans daily as a cure for several weeks. Against rheumatic diseases, taking 70 ml of garden bean pod juice daily for 3 weeks helps. The flavonoids contained in the vegetable prevent clumping of platelets in the blood and oxidation of cholesterol. This can reduce the risk of thrombosis and prevent the occurrence of atherosclerosis in advance. Thanks to the high digestive fiber content in common bean pods, carcinogenic substances are quickly eliminated through defecation. The same happens with excess cholesterol. This lowers blood lipid levels. The antioxidant substances in bean pods neutralize the dangerous free radicals that cause cells to degenerate into cancer cells and can even protect the cell’s own DNA from oxidative damage. In addition, the user can still effectively alleviate skin diseases (eczema, itching, rashes), heart disease, sciatica, dropsy and edema, albuminuria (protein excretion through the urine) and liver disease with garden beans healing applications. To do this, he simply takes the appropriate remedy in the prescribed dosage for at least several weeks. Garden bean pods can also support a reduction diet, as they are low in calories and induce a strong feeling of satiety. 40 g of dried bean pods are boiled with 1 l of water for 10 minutes and left to steep for 45 minutes. After straining, the patient drinks 5 large cups daily for 10 days if suffering from albuminuria. For normal applications (drainage, diabetes) 1 tablespoon of pods to 150 ml of water is enough. After 15 minutes, the filtered tea is drunk 2 to 3 times a day.

Ingredients and nutritional values

Nutritional information

Amount per 100 gram

Calories 31

Fat content 0.1 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 6 mg

Potassium 209 mg

Carbohydrates 7 g

Dietary fiber 3.4 g

Protein 1.8 g

Because of its high protein content (20%), it is also called a protein crop. Therefore, it is one of the most important staple foods in Central and South America. Garden bean pods contain amino acids such as arginine, flavonoids, silica, chromium salts, hemicellulose, trigonelline, asparagine, lysine, choline, tyrosine, monoamino fatty acids, phaseolin, phaseoloside A, triterpene triglucoside, beta-carotene, vitamins B2, B6, C, E, folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. Medicinally, common beans are used in the form of dried pods without seeds (5 to 15 g daily), standardized finished medicines (extract) and the homeopathic Phaseolus vulgaris from the whole fresh bean plant (globules, dilution, tablets) for the indication of heart failure.

Intolerances and allergies

Green beans should not be eaten raw because they contain high amounts of the toxic lectin phaseolin. They are best eaten briefly boiled or steamed. Then the active substances are still almost completely present. Raw consumption can lead to symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, shock and hypokalemia. For people with bean allergies, physical contact with the pods can cause dermatitis. Diabetics should perform medical bean applications only in consultation with their treating physician. Blood sugar lowering may require an adjustment in insulin dose. People with low blood pressure should consume bean products only in small amounts. In some people, ingestion of common bean remedies causes increased gas formation in the intestines. To ease the discomfort, it is recommended to consume fennel or caraway seeds together with the beans. They relax the intestinal muscles.

Shopping and cooking tips

Garden beans are regionally available in Germany from June to October. However, garden beans can be frozen for up to 12 months, so they can still be enjoyed in winter. For freezing, small tender specimens with a maximum length of ten cm should preferably be used. Before the beans end up in the freezer, it is recommended to blanch them for two to three minutes. Beans should generally not be eaten raw, as the toxic phasin can cause stomach pain and inflammation. Cooking cancels the toxic effect of phasin. Before cooking or simmering, the beans are washed and any strings are removed, then they cook in hot water for between 15 and 40 minutes. To prevent the green beans from losing their beautiful green color, rinse them with plenty of cold water after cooking and only then prepare them with sauce or butter.

Preparation tips

Garden beans can be prepared both warm and excellent cold in a salad. For example, a bean salad with vinaigrette. For this, the beans are cooked and then mixed with the vinaigrette. This consists of fine diced onion, garlic, fresh herbs (dill and chives), lemon juice, vinegar and oil, as well as salt and pepper.