Contraceptive methods at a glance

Synonyms in a broader sense

Medical: Contraception Contraception, contraception, birth control, contraceptive


Contraception is the term used to describe all methods aimed at preventing fertilization of the egg (oocyte) by the sperm after sexual intercourse (cohabitation).

How safe are the individual contraceptive methods?

To indicate the safety of contraceptive methods, the so-called Pearl index is normally used. This value is calculated on the basis of the number of pregnancies that occurred in 100 women over a period of one year despite the contraceptive method used. A particularly low Pearl Index therefore indicates a high degree of contraceptive safety.

When the Pearl Index is given, however, it is usually not indicated whether the number of pregnancies was due to the uncertainty of the contraceptive method itself or whether improper use of the contraceptive had an additional influence on the pregnancies. The Pearl Index should therefore be viewed critically and only as an approximate guide. In the following you will find a list of some contraceptive methods and their Pearl Index values: Attention: Depending on the literature, slightly different values can be found.

  • Calendar method = Knaus – Ogino – contraceptive method – 3 if used correctly, otherwise 9
  • Temperature method – 3
  • Billings method – 15
  • Symptothermal method (SMT) (redness method) – 1-2.2
  • Coitus interruptus = interrupted sexual intercourse shortly before ejaculation – 35
  • The condom – 0,6-10
  • Birth control pill – 0,2
  • Hormone spiral – 0,1
  • Copper chain – 0,2
  • Sterilization – 0,2
  • Three-month syringe – 0.4
  • Female condom – 12

The condom

The condom is one of the best known and most common contraceptive methods and offers a decisive advantage: it is the only contraceptive that not only prevents pregnancy but also protects against sexually transmitted diseases. The condom is slipped over the erect penis before sexual intercourse, which ultimately prevents sperm from entering the female vagina. The safety of this contraceptive depends crucially on its correct use and the right choice of size. Avoid mistakes when using the condom by reading our article Condom to find out how to put it on properly.