The Pill | Contraceptive methods at a glance

The Pill

The hormone coil belongs to the group of so-called intrauterine pessaries. This means that it is inserted into the woman’s uterus and develops its effect from there. The insertion of a IUD is mainly recommended for women who have already had a birth. The IUD releases the hormone ‘progestin’ at regular intervals and thus prevents the woman from becoming pregnant. You can find more detailed information about the coil on our category page: Coil

The copper chain

The copper chain also belongs to the group of so-called intrauterine pessaries, which are inserted into the woman’s uterus. Compared to the conventional hormone coil, however, it develops its effect without interfering with the female cycle and offers a good hormone-free alternative to it. The copper chain is smaller than, for example, the copper spiral and can adapt better to the female body due to its shape. Its application is therefore particularly suitable for young women who have not yet given birth.


The possibility of sterilization as a contraceptive method is mainly performed at an advanced age after the desire for a child has been fulfilled. In men, the so-called sperm duct is cut for this purpose, so that during ejaculation no more sperm can get from the testicles into the ejaculate. In women, the fallopian tubes are cut so that fertilization cannot occur. It is very important to remember that undoing the sterilization is extremely difficult and does not always succeed. Sterilization should therefore never be carried out in a hurry, but should be well thought out and planned.

Three-Month Syringe

The three-month injection is a hormonal contraceptive method in which a hormone-containing substrate is injected into the woman every three months by her treating gynaecologist.The advantage is that in the period between the injections there is no need to think about contraception any further and no need to take a pill every day.