Cramp-like pain in the kidney area | Pain in the kidney area

Cramp-like pain in the kidney area

Back pain is often confused with kidney pain. Pain originating in the back is much more common than that originating in the kidneys. Kidney pain that is accompanied by back pain usually does not have the same cause. However, kidney pain and back pain can of course occur at the same time.

Therapy for kidney pain

The treatment of kidney pain depends not insignificantly on the cause. For pure pain therapy, drugs such as ibuprofen, paracetamol or metamizole (Novalgin®) are suitable. However, especially in patients with previous damage to the kidney or structural kidney diseases with restriction of kidney function, the widely used ibuprofen should be avoided.

If the pain is caused by inflammation of the renal pelvis, antibiotic treatment must be initiated as soon as possible. Often an additional antipyretic therapy is required in the first few days. For this purpose Novalgin® is again very well suited.

If the pain is due to kidney stones and the patient is suffering from renal colic, painkillers are also used. Antispasmodic agents are also recommended, especially Buscopan® (butylscopolamine bromide). In the case of cystitis, it must be considered whether antibiotic treatment is indicated.

Glomerulonephritis often requires immunosuppressive therapy. Non-drug measures for kidney pain include physical protection, keeping the kidney region warm, regular warm baths or hot water bottles. You should also drink enough. Whether treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis or must be carried out on an inpatient basis depends greatly on the disease and its severity. A severe inflammation of the renal pelvis may require inpatient treatment, as well as severe renal colic with large stones.

How long does kidney pain last?

The duration of kidney pain depends largely on the cause. Inflammation of the renal pelvis often lasts for more than a week until it has completely healed under antibiotic therapy. However, pain, fever and general condition usually improve within 2-3 days after starting antibiotic therapy.

Renal colic occurs repeatedly at intervals and lasts until the stone has been removed from the ureter into the bladder or completely excreted with the urine. A single colic usually lasts minutes to hours and in most cases requires pain therapy. Glomerulonephritis is a disease that is often chronic and requires permanent treatment. Cancer of the kidney is often long and requires surgical and/or drug therapy.