Effective to the washboard stomach | Abdominal muscle training for women

Effective to the washboard stomach

The first thing to say is that there are no exercises for men only or women only. Unless the woman is pregnant or has just become a mother, the same guidelines apply. Hard training, iron discipline and daily motivation.

Choose 3-5 exercises on our Washboard abs exercises page and do them with 3 sets of 15 repetitions every other day. With the right nutrition you will be able to notice quick results in a very short time. If you are pregnant or have recently given birth (see: abdominal muscle training after birth), there are some things to consider with regard to abdominal muscle training.


When training for a six-pack you should first be aware of one thing: The sixpack is already there, it just needs to be “exposed”. This means that mainly the body fat percentage decides how much of the abdominal muscles you can see. The abdominal muscles that are already there just need to be made visible and further strengthened.

You should also be aware that the abdominal muscles are a small muscle group in comparison and therefore do not consume much energy and the circulation is not very much stimulated. To train effectively for a six-pack, large exercises such as squats, pull-ups or bench presses are recommended. During these exercises the abdominal muscles are activated together with many other muscles and significantly more energy is burned.

In addition, you should always combine your training with endurance training to burn fat even more effectively and form a six-pack. Furthermore, you should keep in mind that the training is progressive and you always set new stimuli so that the muscles on the abdomen have to adapt again and again and cannot rest. Recovery days are just as important as the right nutrition. So if you want to get a six-pack, you should approach the task with a holistic approach.

Classical exercises

  • Riding a bike in the air: You lie on your back, tense your stomach and bend your knees. Then your legs are turned in the air like on a bicycle (both in “forward gear” and “reverse gear”). Alternatively, also in the supine position, you can cross your hands behind your head, lift your right leg with the sole of your foot upwards and then lift your left leg in the same way.

Then the first leg is put down again, the other leg afterwards as well. Ideally the legs are stretched out, but they can also be bent slightly. – The “classic” crunch: In the supine position, the legs are bent and the stomach is tensed.

The hands either hold the head or lie on the thighs, the breath is taken deeply. The upper body is raised and exhaled. To train the oblique abdominal muscles, you can alternate between lifting the upper body and walking with your elbows to the knee which is diagonally opposite.

  • The Power Crunch with dumbbell (0.5-1 kg): The starting position is similar to the Crunch, but the arms are stretched out above the head and a dumbbell is held with both hands. Here too, the upper body is raised as far as possible to the sitting position. – Box swinging: One stands with the feet hip-wide apart, knees are slightly bent.

The hands are clenched into fists and the arms are bent in front of the upper body. Only the upper body swings from left to right, below the navel there is no movement. – Hip stretches: In the supine position the arms are at the sides of the body, the heels rest on an object at knee height (e.g. a chair). The knees are bent by 90° and the buttocks are raised until thighs and upper body are in line. Then the buttocks are lowered again and the legs and feet remain close together the whole time.