Female Organism and Nutrition

Healthy nutrition is the basic requirement for physical and mental well-being, as well as for the performance of our organism. Most people are aware of this. Nevertheless, the reality often looks different: Today’s lifestyle has not only given us a diverse range of foods and beverages, but also flawed eating habits. In addition, the media, advertising, family, friends and, last but not least, our upbringing all play a role in determining what foods we reach for. The efforts of younger women in particular to gain or maintain as low a “weight” as possible usually lead to unhealthy diets. A frequent consequence is a health-threatening undersupply of certain nutrients. In addition, this behavior also represents a breeding ground for the development of eating disorders.

What is a healthy diet ?

A healthy diet is a low-fat, balanced mixed diet, rich in complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber, and adequate hydration. It ensures optimal supply of carbohydrates, protein and fats, vitamins and minerals. Balanced diet should be composed as follows.

  • 50 to 60 percent of daily calories from carbohydrates (1 gram = 4 kcal).
  • 15 to max. 20 percent from protein ( 1 gram = 4 kcal)
  • 25 to max. 30 percent from fats ( 1 gram = 9 kcal)

Depending on the region, the amount of fat in the diet makes up 40 to 50 percent, sometimes even more of the daily energy intake. No wonder that a calorie-restricted diet mainly saves on fat calories and is based on low-fat products.

Nutritional requirements of women in certain phases of life

The nutritional needs of women and girls differ from those of men at certain stages of life.

Children and adolescents

Children and adolescents have increased energy needs during the growth phase. They need 1.2 to 1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight per day. A combination of proteins of animal and vegetable origin is best. The supply of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D during growth is quite crucial for further life. A well-functioning calcium metabolism is laid down in childhood. Insufficient intake of calcium and phosphorus at a young age increases the risk of developing osteoporosis later in life. Young girls should develop strong bones and healthy teeth. The main calcium donors are milk and dairy products.


After the first menstrual period, a girl needs more iron. Iron is much better absorbed when it is taken in a form that is easy for the body to use (animal products, especially muscle meat). In addition, certain excipients, such as vitamin C (orange juice), facilitate iron absorption in the digestive tract. If there is no iron deficiency, one or two meat meals per week are sufficient. An adequate supply of vital substances should also be remembered during childhood and adolescence. More and more often, children and adolescents drink sugary soft drinks, while the consumption of milk and fruit juices is decreasing.

Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers need more protein, calcium, iron, fat, and water. The unborn and newborn need calcium for bones and protein for body tissues. In case of calcium deficiency, the mother’s bone material serves as a source of calcium. The increasing blood volume during pregnancy requires increased iron intake. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should eat at least two meat meals per week. They also need much more water. During pregnancy, more water is stored in the uterus and pelvic tissues, and breast milk also contains about 90 percent water. During growth, pregnancy and lactation, women also need a certain amount of fat (at least 15 to 20 percent of calories) in their diet, including cholesterol. Cholesterol forms part of the cell membrane. The growing organism has a high rate of cell division and needs appropriate building material for this.


During and after menopause, a woman should consume at least 1.5 grams of calcium (0.8 grams is sufficient before). Even 1 liter of fresh milk contains 1.2 grams of this mineral. But it is also abundant in dairy products, oats, almonds, beans and kale. Further, in menopause to prevent osteoporosis 800 milligrams of phosphorus and 400 i.e.(international units) of vitamin D daily recommended.


Aging people often present functional disorders (digestive, metabolic, osteoporosis, etc.) and caloric needs decrease. At this stage of life, women need easily digestible protein, less sugar, and less fat. Due to the decreasing bile flow, fats are less easily digested and thus less easily tolerated. Fruits should be preferred over whole grains as sources of fiber.

Alcohol and health

Numerreice epidemiological studies in recent years indicate that there is a relationship between moderate alcohol consumption and lowered rates of heart and irn infarction. For a healthy woman, Dr. N.Wormer recommends up to 24 grams of alcohol daily in his book “Daily Wine”. Women tolerate organically less alcohol than men (recommended amount 32 grams). It is scientifically proven that alcohol up to this amount is beneficial to health. However, the studies mostly refer to the consumption of red wine. It is worth knowing when talking about alcohol that alcohol contains significantly more calories (7 kcal per gram) than carbohydrates and protein. As soon as alcohol needs to be broken down, fat breakdown is greatly curtailed. The energy from alcohol is “channeled” in the form of fatty acids. Alcoholic beverages also often make people hungry. In contrast, a glass of red wine with a meal causes more iron to be absorbed from food.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Unlike men, women are subject to menstrual hormonal fluctuations. These can manifest in disorders such as mood swings, depression, increased water retention in the tissues, and greater appetite before the onset of menstruation. Women often complain of food cravings and strong cravings for sweets before menstruation. Affected women can counteract this by regularly eating smaller meals, mainly fruit or low-calorie carbohydrates. Nutritionists repeatedly point out that women are quite modest in their food choices, even in the industrialized world. They eat less high-quality protein, little fruit, but too much sugar and fat. Anemia, osteoporosis, latent vitamin deficiencies and severe obesity are common consequences. Studies show that differences in the diets of boys and girls already exist in childhood and during adolescence. Boys prefer meat meals and girls prefer low-calorie meals with carbohydrates and vegetables. Females also tend to drink too little. Dry skin and mucous membranes are common consequences of this. The good advice is to eat a balanced diet, drink at least 2 liters of fluids a day, and make sure your needs for vital nutrients are met.