Sticta pulmonaria

Other term Lung Moss Lung lichen Application of Sticta pulmonaria for the following diseases in homeopathy Inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nose Dry bronchitis Irritable and flu cough Whooping cough Measles Cough Inflammations of the trachea and larynx Use of Sticta pulmonaria for the following symptoms exacerbation: Dry nasal and bronchial mucosa with … Sticta pulmonaria


Other term Squid Application of Sepia for the following diseases in homeopathy Sepia can also be used for homeopathic treatment of vitreous detachment. However, this should be clarified with the ophthalmologist beforehand. Long lasting dry eczema, especially on the back of the hand Increased, absent or irregular menstrual bleeding during menopause Chronic inflammation of the … Sepia

Homeopathy for earaches

Homeopathic medicines Earache in connection with a beginning general infection with stormy beginning in connection stand one treats in the initial stage best with the following homeopathic medicines: However, the following homeopathic medicines are suitable for earache with a gradual onset: Aconitum (blue wolfsbane) Belladonna (Belladonna) Magnesium phosphoricum (after exposure to cold) Ferrum phosphoricum (for … Homeopathy for earaches


Other term St. Stephen’s wort Application of Staphisagria in the following diseases in homeopathy Burning, itchy skin rashes Poorly healing suppurations Dental caries Diarrhea Use of Staphisagria for the following symptoms Weakness of memory Abnormal sexual perceptions Aggravation by: Everything worse in the morning when getting up. Irritated, moody mood, shy, slightly offended. Wretched and … Staphisagria

Homeopathy for hoarseness

Homeopathic medicines The following homeopathic medicine is possible: Verbascum (mullein) Verbascum (mullein) Tablets D4 are particularly used Hoarseness after much and loud talking For catarrhs of the upper airways Associated with cough, fatigue and weakness (the homeopathic medicine Ipecacuanha can also be used here) Medicines for hoarseness


Other term Yarrow Application of Millefolium in the following homeopathic diseases Bleeding tendency Bleeding from injuries Use of Millefolium for the following symptoms Millefolium shows good effect, which is obviously due to the narrowing effect of the remedy Bright red bleeding from injuries Congestion or other damage to the small vessels Active Organs Small end … Millefolium

Galphimia glauca

Other term Little Golden Rain Application of Galphimia glauca for the following diseases in homeopathy Allergies Hay fever Allergic asthma Allergic skin diseases Use of Galphimia glauca for the following symptoms Weather Sensitivity Active Organs The product strengthens the immune system against allergens. Usual dosage Commonly used: Tablets (drops) D3, D4, D6, D12 Ampoules D3, … Galphimia glauca

Homeopathy for fear of darkness

Synonyms Night terrors Nyctophobia Homeopathic medicines For night terrors the following homeopathic medicines are used: Stramonium Phosphorus Stramonium Prescription only up to and including D3! Aggravation of all complaints in the dark. Typical dosage of Stramonium for night terrors: Tablets D6 Fear of the dark causes continuous talking and/or praying Chatty Desire for light and … Homeopathy for fear of darkness

Homeopathic remedies for gastrointestinal diseases

Acute: Result of eating too much and too heavy food, alcohol consumption Acute inflammation of the stomach lining with morning nausea and vomiting. Alternation between loss of appetite and ravenous hunger. Stomach pain about half an hour after eating, acidic belching, increased flatulence combined with abdominal cramps, futile urge to defecate, often hemorrhoids. Irritable and … Homeopathic remedies for gastrointestinal diseases

Homeopathy for warts

Introduction Warts and their subforms such as Dell’s warts are generally treated by local application with ointments or tinctures, surgical removal or cold therapy (cryotherapy). In homeopathy, warts are also treated from the inside through the administration of drops or tablets. The treatment of warts can be difficult and lengthy. In other cases, however, warts … Homeopathy for warts