ISKD – Nail

Synonyms in a broader sense Extension nail Callus distraction Posttraumatic leg shortening Leg extension Extension nail Leg length difference The name ISKD The name ISKD nail is an acronym:ISKD = Intramedullary Skeletal Kinetic DistractorThe therapy of unilateral leg shortening using ISKD nails presented a major surgical challenge both tibially (on the shin side) and femorally … ISKD – Nail

Advantages of the ISKD nail | ISKD – Nail

Advantages of the ISKD nail Advantages of the ISKD – Nail: Overall less stressful than external procedures (patient comfort) Early load capacity through splinting of the tubular bone Accelerated Rehabilitation No risk of treatment interruption, cannot be removed under the nail Low scarring Less tendency to develop malpositions Disadvantages of the ISKD nail Disadvantages of … Advantages of the ISKD nail | ISKD – Nail

Osteogenesis imperfecta

Synonyms in the broadest sense Brittle bone disease, congenital bone fragility, fragilitas osseum Definition Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) is a congenital disorder of the collagen balance. Collagen is a structure of the connective tissue. This makes the bones abnormally brittle. The gene mutation affects not only bones, but also tendons, ligaments, teeth and the … Osteogenesis imperfecta

Special feature | Osteogenesis imperfecta

Special feature The fractures are usually observed in the affected children until puberty. However, the greatest frequency of fractures seems to be in the first growth spurt at about 5 – 8 years of age. After puberty, the fractures stop. The disease can manifest itself differently in each affected person. Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) … Special feature | Osteogenesis imperfecta

Therapy | Treating a fracture of the lateral malleolus without surgery

Therapy The first measures to be taken by the layperson in the case of an external ankle fracture are cooling, elevating and relieving the affected foot. A doctor should definitely be consulted, as only he or she can determine the extent of the fracture and thus the necessary therapy through appropriate examinations and imaging procedures. … Therapy | Treating a fracture of the lateral malleolus without surgery

Consequences of the basal skull fracture

Prognosis The consequences of a skull base fracture depend on possible complications. The more of them occur, the worse the prognosis is. If there is no dislocation and the meninges remain intact (no liquor leakage), a basal skull fracture usually heals without permanent damage. A basal skull fracture can lead to consequences and complications if … Consequences of the basal skull fracture

Strength training to prevent falls in old age | Fall in old age

Strength training to prevent falls in old age The special strength training for fall prevention includes exercises for the leg and trunk muscles. Many elderly people have problems doing exercises on the floor if they limit themselves to exercises in sitting and standing positions. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to practice standing up from the … Strength training to prevent falls in old age | Fall in old age

Wrist fracture

Synonyms Radius fracture, (distal) radius fracture, radius base fracture, Colles fracture, Smith fracture Definition wrist fracture The wrist fracture is the most common fracture that occurs in humans. This is due to the fact that many people try to absorb falls with their hands, usually as a reflex, which causes the joint to suffer. Wrist … Wrist fracture