What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture? | Clavicula fracture

What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture? Sleeping with a clavicula fracture is often very uncomfortable, especially in the beginning, because every little movement hurts. However, the pain subsides with time. Those affected often find it pleasant if the headboard is slightly raised and a pillow is placed under the arm … What is the best way to sleep with a clavicle fracture? | Clavicula fracture

Classification of clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

Classification of clavicula fracture In medicine, a clavicula fracture is classified according to Allman. This classification is primarily based on the location of the fracture. There are three groups of different localization: A classification can also be based on frequency: Group one describes a fracture in the middle third of the clavicle. Since this bone … Classification of clavicula fracture | Clavicula fracture

Prophylaxis | Brittle bone disease

Prophylaxis Since the brittle bone disease is genetically determined, it cannot be prevented by prophylactic measures. However, a lifestyle adapted to the disease can alleviate its course and symptoms. Those affected should not put additional strain on their bones, i.e. they should avoid alcohol and smoking. In addition, a balanced diet that avoids overweight and … Prophylaxis | Brittle bone disease

Brittle bone disease

Bone consists of solid connective tissue (collagen), which is fibrously entangled. Limestone salts are ultimately deposited in this structure, which give the bone its final strength and mineralize it. In vitreous bone disease there is a gene mutation on chromosomes 7 and 17, which contain the information for the formation of the most important collagen … Brittle bone disease

Rib Fracture

Introduction Rib fractures are not an easy area to treat in surgery. A rib usually breaks under direct or indirect force on the thorax. Depending on the force, direction and extent of the force applied, ribs can break in different ways, which in turn has an impact on symptoms, therapy and accompanying complaints. The degree … Rib Fracture

Causes | Rib Fracture

Causes The main cause of rib fractures is almost always blunt force trauma to the thorax, whereby the extent and severity of the fractures is related to the severity of the force applied.Rib fractures can occur as a result of fisticuffs, falls, traffic accidents with violent impact on the ribcage, and the like. If there … Causes | Rib Fracture

Healing time | Rib Fracture

Healing time The duration of the healing process is also adapted to the severity of the injury and the accompanying diseases. In general, rib fractures take a little longer than other bone fractures until they are completely healed, as they cannot be permanently immobilized because they are needed for breathing and for most everyday movements. … Healing time | Rib Fracture

Symptoms of a fatigue fracture of the metatarsus | Fatigue fracture in the metatarsus

Symptoms of a fatigue fracture of the metatarsus In contrast to a fracture caused by an accident, which is characterized by sudden severe pain and often loss of function of the affected limb immediately after the trauma, a fatigue fracture of the metatarsus develops only gradually and thus its symptoms as well. Thus, the first … Symptoms of a fatigue fracture of the metatarsus | Fatigue fracture in the metatarsus

Prognosis | Fatigue fracture in the metatarsus

Prognosis In general, the fatigue fracture of the metatarsus has a very good prognosis, since with adequate therapy, uncomplicated and complete healing usually occurs within six to eight weeks. Prophylaxis The most important measure to prevent a fatigue fracture of the metatarsus is to avoid overloading. It is therefore essential to warm up before training, … Prognosis | Fatigue fracture in the metatarsus

Skull base fracture

Synonyms Basal skull fracture Cranial roof fractures (skull calotte fracture) Basal skull fractures (skull base fracture) Facial skull fractures The skull base is formed by parts of the frontal bone (Os frontale), sphenoid bone (Os sphenoidale), ethmoid bone (Os ethmoidale), occipital bone (Os occipitale) and temporal bone (Os temporale). The inner cranial base is divided … Skull base fracture