How long does fever last?


Fever is an increase in body temperature to 38°C or more. It is a measure of the body’s immune system to get rid of pathogens that cause illness. The duration of fever depends on the disease underlying the fever.

How long does fever last?

The duration of fever depends largely on the causative illness. Sometimes the duration of the fever provides clues to possible causes of the disease. If fever lasts two to three days, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the cause of the fever.

In this case, the accompanying symptoms are essential to make a diagnosis. A pneumonia or a cold are possible. If the fever lasts for more than five to seven days, the fever curve can be interpreted better.

In the case of rubella, a skin rash appears on the first day of the fever, in the case of scarlet fever in the first three days. With measles, a rash typically appears on the fourth to fifth day of the fever. In the case of salmonellosis, chronic inflammation of the liver and bile ducts or whistling glandular fever, the fever lasts for more than two weeks.

Fever can even last for months. Months of fever can occur in diseases such as familial Mediterranean fever or other fever syndromes, such as inflammation of the prostate or epididymis. This means that there are various causes for the development of fever and depending on the cause, fever can last from a few days to months.

What factors influence the duration of fever?

Fever is caused by a shift in the set point of the body temperature in the hypothalamus of our brain. Bacteria and their toxins activate the immune system. The breakdown products of the body’s own cells cause the release of messenger substances, the prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins play an important role in the development and duration of fever, as they cause a shift in the hypothalamus. The occurrence and quantity of bacteria and toxins, endogenous breakdown products and prostaglandins influence the duration of fever. Stress, age, state of health and metabolism also play a role in the duration of fever.