Heavy Legs during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, especially many women complain of painful, heavy legs. This is due to the changed hormone balance during this time. This ensures that the blood vessels are more stretchy than usual. In addition, the approximately 20 percent increase in blood flow causes more blood to flow through the vessels. As a result of the expansion of the veins, the valves in the veins close more poorly and congestion can occur. This is then responsible for the pain in the legs.

Varicose veins during pregnancy

The veins are also put under more strain by the increasing weight of the woman. This strain can cause not only heavy legs, but also varicose veins. These should be monitored regularly during pregnancy and also shown to the gynecologist. He can prescribe compression stockings to alleviate the discomfort in case of doubt.

Heavy legs during pregnancy: what to do?

Anyone who suffers from tired, heavy legs during pregnancy should elevate the legs more often to relieve the vessels. It is also advisable to elevate the legs at night. This can be done either with a height-adjustable bed or with pillows, blankets or towels.

During the day, long periods of standing and sitting should be avoided. If you still have to stand and sit a lot, you should make sure to move your legs in between. When sitting, the legs should also not be crossed so as not to disturb the blood flow.

Exercise also helps against heavy legs during pregnancy: cycling, swimming, pregnancy gymnastics and walks are particularly suitable for pregnant women. If you pass a Kneipp pool on your walk, you can go for a round of Kneipp, because the cold water contracts the vessels in the legs.

To prevent heavy legs and varicose veins, it is advisable to wear compression stockings even during pregnancy. If severe varicose veins have already developed, heparin injections may be prescribed by the doctor to reduce the risk of thrombosis.