Hoarseness due to an allergy


Hoarseness can be caused by various internal and external influences, often loud talking, smoking or a cold is the cause. One also speaks of a voice disorder or dysphonia; the voice sounds busy, rough or impure and the usual volume cannot be reached or the voice stays (temporarily) completely away.


Hoarseness can also occur as part of an allergy. With an allergy, the body’s own immune system reacts in some people to actually harmless substances such as pollen or animal hair, as if they were attackers. This leads to an immune reaction in which various immune cells and inflammatory substances are released, which lead to the typical symptoms of an allergy:

  • Formation of oedemas (i.e. storage of water)
  • Production of nasal secretion
  • Dilatation of the blood vessels
  • Irritation of the nerve vessels in the mucous membranes.


With a pollen, mold or house dust mite allergy above all the mucous membranes of eye and mouth nose throat area are concerned. The consequences are Hoarseness can also be further aggravated if a blocked nose hinders breathing through the nose and is increasingly breathed through the open mouth, which leads to drying of the mucous membranes. A severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), such as that which occurs in the case of an insect venom or food allergy and can lead to allergic shock, occurs in two phases.

  • Tearing, itchy eyes,
  • Sneeze,
  • Hoarseness ,
  • Sniffles,
  • Up to a sinusitis.
  • In the first phase, nausea, vomiting, localized skin rashes and difficult breathing due to allergic asthma occur.
  • In the second phase, the respiratory tract narrows, breathlessness and hoarseness occur, rashes spread to the entire body, the circulation collapses and in the worst case, cardiovascular arrest occurs. If these other symptoms occur in addition to hoarseness, a doctor must be called urgently.