Homeopathy for angina tonsillaris

In the first phase of the disease, when the tonsils are red and swollen and swallowing hurts, fit the following homeopathic medicines:

  • Belladonna (Belladonna)
  • Phytolacca (Kermes berry)
  • Apis mellifica (honey bee)

Belladonna (Belladonna)

Prescription only up to and including D3! Mainly used are drops D6.

  • The pharyngeal tonsils are swollen light red
  • Feeling of dryness in the throat and mouth with dry, red tongue. mucous membrane hurts and one can hardly swallow and speak
  • Pain is made worse by cold drink, cold compress, swallowing and speaking
  • Face bright red hot and sweaty
  • All complaints worse at night and by cold
  • You want to stay covered (despite fever and heat)

Phytolacca (Kermes berry)

Typical dosage of Phytolacca (Kermes Berry) for angina: drops D6.

  • The throat and pharyngeal tonsils are dark red in the case of tonsillitis (angina tonsillaris) with stabbing pain radiating to the ear
  • General feeling of exhaustion and weakness
  • Redness dark red (Belladonna light red)
  • Later, white spots develop on the pharyngeal tonsils
  • Bad breath.
  • Right side sometimes more affected
  • Lateral gangina with pain radiating to the ear
  • Tongue greasy coated
  • Fever with heat in the head (rather cool on the body)
  • Need for exercise, but does not bring improvement

Apis mellifica (honey bee)

General dosage of Apis mellifica (honey bee): Drops of D6 angines that are compatible with Apis are more critical than belladonna angines.

  • The bee sting causes stinging, burning pain and severe swelling
  • Here the strong swelling of the mucous membrane in the throat is in the foreground
  • Redness moderate
  • Stinging, burning pain that is intensified by heat
  • Neck wrap is rejected because the neck is very sensitive to touch and anything that constricts it is perceived as unpleasant
  • Great restlessness
  • Fever reaches its peak in the afternoon