How do I recognize a broken elbow? | Physiotherapy for a fractured elbow

How do I recognize a broken elbow?

An elbow fracture can be recognized by the 5 signs of inflammation: Depending on the extent of the injury, a malposition of the elbow can show itself and possibly present an open fracture. Sensitivity disorders along the forearm and hand can also occur. If a comminuted fracture is present, parts of the bone in the joint may be palpable.

A defensive tension of the M. Biceps brachii could also occur. If an elbow fracture is suspected, a doctor should be consulted immediately to provide the necessary initial treatment. The following differential diagnoses may interest you:

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Restricted movement
  • Hematoma
  • Heating
  • Physiotherapy for elbow pain
  • Physiotherapy for elbow arthrosis
  • Physiotherapy for torn ligaments in the elbow
  • Physiotherapy Radius fracture


A fracture of the elbow is usually caused by a fall directly onto it or onto the hand. Traffic accidents or accidents at work can also cause a fracture. Directly shooting pain, swelling, restriction of movement, bruising and warming clearly indicate an injury.

After examination by a doctor, the doctor will decide on the treatment. In the case of surgical treatment, there is usually a rotation restriction for 4 weeks, which must be taken into account in the therapy. Passive movement, lymph drainage and cold therapy are therapy options in the early phase.

Later, manual therapy and soft tissue techniques for the tense muscles can improve mobility. To improve strength, dumbbells can be used in all variations of support and exercises. Rehabilitation is useful as a holistic therapy, but is rarely prescribed due to a simple elbow fracture. How long the healing process takes depends on the therapy and how gentle the patient is.