What can I do to shorten the duration of the fever? | How long does fever last?

What can I do to shorten the duration of the fever?

If you suffer from fever, bed rest is one of the most important home remedies. Stress should be avoided to shorten the duration of fever. Physically strenuous activities such as sports and heavy lifting should be avoided.

If you are ill, you need a lot of sleep and rest. A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet have a positive effect on health and symptoms such as fever. You can reduce the duration of fever by taking antipyretic medication.

Paracetamol inhibits the formation of prostaglandins and is effective against fever. Through another mechanism, the drug acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin®) interferes with the formation of prostaglandins and has an antipyretic (antipyretic fever reducing) effect. Household remedies such as calf compresses, hot tea and apple vinegar also help to combat fever.

Do you have any further questions about antipyretic measures? vaccinations are recommended for babies to protect them from harmful pathogens. The vaccines are generally well tolerated.

However, physical reactions can occur, especially after multiple vaccinations or life vaccines. In addition to an inflammatory reaction at the injection site with redness, swelling and pain, fever can occur. If the baby develops a fever after vaccination, it usually subsides after a few days.

Paracetamol suppositories are suitable for reducing the fever in babies. If the fever lasts longer than a few days, you should see your pediatrician and have your baby examined for other causes of the fever. Teething in children can be accompanied by an increased body temperature or fever.

The fever should subside after a few days. If the fever lasts longer, you should see your pediatrician to rule out an infection as the cause of the fever. You can find detailed information on this topic under Fever when teething.

Rheumatic fever is an autoimmune reaction that can occur a few weeks after a bacterial infection. Rheumatic fever causes various symptoms, often inflammation of joints, skin and heart. Even if the disease is called rheumatic fever, this does not mean that obligatory fever is present.

Fever can be a symptom of rheumatic fever, but does not have to occur.The fever can last for different lengths of time and depends largely on the course of the disease and the therapy. Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the bronchi of the lungs. Viruses are often responsible for the disease and cause symptoms such as coughing with sputum and fever.

Without treatment, most symptoms disappear in a healthy person after two weeks at the latest, while the irritable cough often lasts longer. The fever can become high in bronchitis, but should not last longer than one week. If there are concomitant diseases, an immune deficiency or other risk factors such as old age, the fever can last longer.

High fever should be reduced with antipyretic medication in the context of acute bronchitis. Fever often occurs in the context of viral infections. It usually subsides after a few days.

Influenza, for example, is a common viral infection associated with fever. There are also numerous different viruses that cause fever, among other things. Fever can also occur with pneumonia, which is caused by viruses.

An infection with mumps viruses can also lead to increased temperatures. The duration of the fever in a viral infection depends on the form of the disease and the general state of health of the person affected. There are various forms of viral infections that are associated with elevated temperatures and fever, although the duration of the fever varies.

In the case of a viral infection, fever may be present despite the use of antibiotics. The real flu (influenza) is a severe virus-related infectious disease with inflammation of the respiratory tract, fatigue, fatigue and fever. Temperature values between 38.5 and 40°C are characteristic of influenza.

A flu lasts for about 7 to 10 days in an otherwise healthy person, while the fever usually lasts from day 3 to day 5. When the fever sets in and how long it actually lasts depends on the state of health and risk groups. The duration of the fever can be prolonged in the case of influenza if people are chronically ill and/or suffer from a weakened immune system.

A second infection with bacteria, a complication-rich course of the disease and risk groups, i.e. children and old, weak people, can also lead to a longer-lasting fever within the flu. Detailed information can also be found under duration of influenza. Pneumonia is often accompanied by breathing difficulties, chills and fever.

Bacterial pneumonia in particular causes a rapid rise in body temperature. The fever can easily reach 40°C. Without treatment with antibiotics, the body temperature drops at the end of the first week of illness.

The fever can last longer than a week if complications of the pneumonia occur. In the case of concomitant diseases, old age and an immune deficiency, the fever can last longer and urgently requires drug therapy. A cold (flu-like infection) causes coughing, rhinitis, hoarseness, headache and aching limbs.

In contrast to the flu, the symptoms of a cold occur gradually and the high fever typical of the flu usually disappears. Nevertheless, temperatures above 38.5°C do occur with colds. The fever is usually harmless and ends with the common cold, i.e. after about three to seven days.

In healthy people, a cold is over after two weeks at the latest. In the case of complications, immune deficiency or concomitant diseases, the fever can last longer than a week in the case of a cold. Tonsillitis often causes fever.

Adults suffer less frequently from fever than children in the context of tonsillitis. If tonsillitis is properly treated, the symptoms subside after a few days. This means that the fever should have subsided after one week. If it lasts longer, it should be investigated whether there is another cause for the body temperature.