How long does the healing process take? | Physiotherapy for torn ligaments of the wrist

How long does the healing process take?

How long the healing of a torn ligament takes depends on the follow-up treatment, protection and wound healing. Direct immobilization with a splint and sick leave is of course best for wound healing. Nevertheless, the entire wound healing process must not be disregarded: In very few cases is the patient of a torn ligament taken off sick, since the injury is usually not classified as so dramatic.

With a splint treatment, the patient is usually sent back to work after one week. However, if the hand is constantly used in spite of the splint, especially during office work, the entire healing process can slow down and often cause pain even after several months. Forms of therapy that can support the healing process are for example

  • The proliferation phase starts from the 5th day, but the tissue is still very sensitive and the load should not be too high.
  • From the consolidation phase starting on the 21st day, the fabric is replaced by stable fibers, so that the load can be increased slowly without the risk of re-rupture.
  • If the hand is completely immobilized for the first 3 weeks and supported by physical measures and careful physiotherapy, the patient should be free of pain and can slowly return to normal activities.
  • Manual therapy
  • Kinesiotape
  • Lymphatic drainage


Taping at the wrist after a torn ligament is very effective. It differs from the classic tape, which completely immobilizes and stabilizes the wrist, from the kinesiotape, whereby only minimal stabilization can be achieved. As a splint treatment is usually achieved, the Kinesiotape can be used as a support to stimulate the blood circulation and give the patient a good feeling.

The classic tape is very effective, especially in sports. Usually an athlete cannot take it easy for as long as he/she should, and can then be left for a game or similar. Taping to completely stabilize the wrist. You can find comprehensive information on this topic in the article Kinesiotape.