Liver crack – How dangerous is that?


A rupture of the liver (liver rupture) is usually caused by a blunt abdominal trauma such as a blow to the abdomen or an unfavorable fall. A liver rupture often occurs in this way in the context of an accident or sports injury. This mainly affects martial artists who suffer severe abdominal injuries from blows or kicks, or equestrian athletes, in whom a rupture of the liver can be caused by kicks from the horse or falls.

Traffic accidents can also lead to a ruptured liver through various mechanisms. For example, when a broken rib injures the liver. Depending on how the tear in the liver runs and which blood vessels are injured, life-threatening bleeding into the abdomen can occur, which must be surgically stopped.

If the liver capsule is also ruptured, bile and blood can enter the free abdominal cavity, resulting in a loss of several liters of blood. In addition, the blood and bile in the peritoneal cavity can lead to a dangerous peritonitis. In most cases, the liver tear is an emergency and should be operated on immediately.

Is a liver laceration dangerous?

A liver laceration is a very serious injury that is life-threatening and in the worst case can lead to death. On the one hand, internal bleeding can cause blood loss, which is so severe that it can lead to circulatory failure and cardiac arrest. On the other hand, peritonitis can develop, which can also be fatal.

Therefore, it is extremely important to call an emergency doctor as soon as possible if symptoms such as pain in the upper abdomen, cold sweat or palpitations occur after an abdominal injury. By initiating emergency medical measures in good time, the patient’s condition can often be stabilized and transport to a hospital for emergency surgery can be provided. However, in the case of a very severe liver rupture and if other diseases are present, it may be that rescue is no longer possible and the injury is fatal.