Massage | Physiotherapy for back pain during pregnancy


Massage grips can be helpful for back pain during pregnancy. Gentle massage techniques can detonate tense muscles and loosen sticky tissue. Blood circulation is stimulated and the vegetative nervous system (VNS) is relaxed, which generally contributes to pain relief and relaxation.

It is important to find a pleasant starting position for the massage, where the woman can relax completely. The massage should be performed gently. In advanced pregnancy, a doctor should be consulted beforehand, if necessary, in order to avoid triggering premature contractions. Massage grips can be chosen freely, mostly it is considered pleasant to relax the back extensor directly next to the spine by slight stretching. Topics that might still be of interest to you are:

  • Connective Tissue Massage
  • Breuss Massage
  • Thorn Massage
  • Autogenic Training
  • Progressive muscle relaxation


Tape bandages serve to support tissue and thus relieve strain. While classical tape has a rather stabilizing function, elastic tape can have a pain-relieving effect on back pain during pregnancy. Through targeted application in the affected area, the blood circulation can be increased, pain relief can be achieved and the stabilizing muscles can be supported by the tape.

A tape bandage cannot replace muscular training, but it can contribute to symptom relief. There are different possibilities of application. You should consult a doctor or therapist to choose the right system. Afterwards the tape is wearable for about 4-5 days and can be applied relatively easily by yourself or by your partner according to previous instructions. Allergies to plaster adhesive or similar should be clarified before.

Pain in the coccyx

During pregnancy, the woman’s pelvis must prepare for the forthcoming birth. Hormones are released, which cause the associated structures to dilate and become more elastic. Tendons and ligaments become more flexible, making joints more unstable.

This can also affect the bones and joints of the pelvic ring. The coccyx as part of the pelvic ring is also affected. This is where the muscles of the pelvic floor start, the stretching of which leads to pain, which is localized in the pelvic region and can radiate into the back. The pain can be avoided by an upright sitting position. Depending on the sitting position, different amounts of weight act on the coccyx.