Physiotherapy during pregnancy

Physiotherapy during pregnancy serves primarily to prepare for childbirth, to maintain the ligamentous apparatus in the abdomen and pelvic area and to stabilize the back muscles. Childbirth is an enormous strain on the psyche and the body. The appropriate preparation for it can be done through targeted physiotherapy during pregnancy.


The birth process and the subsequent recovery and regression of structures is facilitated and improved by adapted training. Hormonal changes during pregnancy make the ligamentous apparatus and connective tissue of the pregnant woman more flexible and softer to enable the birth. However, this also leads to a decrease in the stability of structures and changes in posture can be observed.

As a rule, a hollow back posture occurs, as the additional weight of the uterus is compensated by the hyperloro dosage. A change in the gait pattern also occurs (so-called “waddling gait”). Physiotherapy during pregnancy helps to cope with these physical changes and also accelerates the physiological recovery after birth. In addition to the physical changes during pregnancy, the psychological stress must also be taken into account. A widely used method for this is autogenic training.


1. lunge seesaws This exercise stretches the muscles of the legs. You stand and take a lunge forward. The rear leg is slightly bent at the knee joint.

Now you bounce slightly up and down with your upper body in the lunge position and move more and more into the lunge. Change the leg and repeat the exercise 3-5 times. 2. lunge Knee bends This exercise stretches and strengthens the muscles of the legs and promotes the breathing technique.

You take a standing position and do a lunge forward. The back leg is slightly bent at the knee joint. Now sink down with your upper body and breathe deeply.

Then move your upper body upwards and breathe out. Repeat this 10 times. Change leg and repeat the whole exercise 3-5 times.

3. centipede Bending and stretching This exercise dynamically trains the trunk, back and abdominal muscles. Put yourself in the four-footed position. The elbows rest on the floor.

Now stretch your right leg backwards and then bend it 3-5 times. Switch to the left leg and stretch and bend it 3-5 times. Pay attention to your breathing (inhale when bending and exhale when stretching) and the tension of the pelvic floor (retract navel).

4. quadruped stand crosswise bending and stretching This exercise dynamically trains the trunk, back and abdominal muscles. Put yourself in the four-footed position. Now stretch your right leg backwards and your left arm forwards.

Next, pull your right leg and left arm towards your body so that your elbows and knees almost touch. Repeat this 3-5 times. Change the leg and the arm. Pay attention to your breathing (when stretching, inhale, when bending, exhale) This exercise also trains your sense of balance. More exercises during pregnancy can be found in the articles:

  • Exercises for back pain during pregnancy
  • ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises
  • Exercises for a slipped disc during pregnancy
  • Pain in the costal arch during pregnancy
  • Exercises for coccyx pain during pregnancy