Pomuscle training

Synonyms in a broader sense

Buttock training, gluteus muscles, buttock press, abdominal-leg-buttock training, glutaeus Muscles involved: large gluteus muscle (M. glutaeus maximus), medium gluteus muscle (M. glutaeus medius), small gluteus muscle (M. glutaeus minimus) Opposite: lumbar-intestinal muscle (M. iliopsoas)

General information

The large gluteal muscle is the most important hip extensor and therefore essential for upright walking, among other things. Humans therefore have a more pronounced pomuscle than mammals, which move on all fours. It also allows us to stretch the upper body from a bent position.

In summary, the glutaeus comes into action during the following movements: Extension of the hips Outward rotation of the thighs Abduction of the thighs and adduction of the thighs over the hip joint Pomuscle training consists especially of exercises that involve stretching the hips or moving the legs away from or towards the body. Exercising the gluteal muscles is very useful not only for aesthetic reasons, but also from a sports medicine point of view.

  • Extension of the hip
  • Outward rotation (outer rotation) of the thighs
  • Abduction (abduction) and
  • Approaching (adduction) of the thighs via the hip joint


A muscular, “crisp” bottom is an ideal of beauty for both men and women. Especially in recent years, a trend towards more curves can be observed, especially in the female “backside”. This is also noticeable in cosmetic surgery: even if liposuction is still more common in other areas, the buttocks are now much more often filled by injection or insertion of implants.

But this does not really have to be the case, because with good pom muscle training, good results can be achieved even without a scalpel. How much effort is put into achieving the perfect buttock shape can be seen in the classification of the different buttock types: Apple butt: This butt shape is considered ideal. It is round, crisp and looks very sporty.

Nectarine bottom: This shape is also very popular. It is small, firm and yet round. So a somewhat more delicate version of the apple butt.

Potato butt: Unfortunately, the potato butt usually looks a bit “saggy” and also tends to cellulite. But with a mixture of endurance sports for fat burning and pom muscle training, the buttocks become firmer and crisper. Pear butt: In the pear shape, the butt is slightly narrower at the top and becomes wider towards the thighs.

It is also very flat. This butt type becomes a little rounder through targeted muscle building in this area. Tomato butt: The tomato is round and plump, but not as crunchy as the nectarine or apple shape.

Therefore, this butt also tends to cellulite. It can become firmer with endurance sports.

  • Apple butt: This butt shape is considered ideal.

    It is round, crisp and looks very sporty.

  • Nectarine Po: This shape is also very popular. It is small, taut and yet round. So a somewhat more delicate version of the apple butt.
  • Potato butt: Unfortunately, the potato butt usually looks a little “hanging” and also tends to cellulite.

    But with a mixture of endurance sports for fat burning and pom muscle training the buttocks become firmer and crisper.

  • Pear bottom: In the pear shape, the bottom is slightly narrower at the top and becomes wider towards the thigh. It is also very flat. This butt type becomes a little rounder by building up muscles in this area.
  • Tomato Po: The tomato is round and plump, but not as crunchy as the nectarine or apple shape. Therefore, this butt also tends to cellulite. It can become firmer with endurance sports.