Soft groin therapy | Soft bar

Soft groin therapy

A soft groin occurs mainly in men and is extremely rare in women. However, it does not develop out of nowhere but is always caused by incorrect or excessive strain on the leg and abdominal muscles. A soft groin can very easily occur, especially in soccer, where sliding, shooting movements and extreme leg positions are common.

Approximately 7% of footballers fall ill with a soft groin at least once during their soccer career, in professional footballers it is as high as 10-15%. Also frequently affected by a soft groin are ice hockey players. Here, every fourth player suffers the pain of a soft groin once.

Soft groin for the woman

The clinical picture of a soft groin is rather unusual in women, but of course not impossible. Since these are traditionally male patients, special attention should be paid to women with corresponding symptoms: their complaints are easily overlooked or misinterpreted as another clinical picture! It is even known that soft groins occur significantly more frequently in people with a genetically determined weakness of the connective tissue than in other people.

These affected persons, in turn, are women more often than average. Even – and especially – women should insist on an ultrasound examination to clarify the typical symptoms of a soft groin. A pregnancy is always an extreme change and at the same time an extreme strain on the body of the expectant mother.

As the child grows, the abdominal wall stretches to a maximum. To make this possible at all, the connective tissue automatically softens during pregnancy. This in turn promotes the development of a soft groin during pregnancy.

Who knows thus that family-conditionally a risk is present or even already with it to do had, should pay attention in the pregnancy completely particularly to the symptoms of a soft border. However, unlike in other cases, it is recommended that pregnant women wait for a possible operation. The risk for mother and child under anesthesia should be avoided if possible and possibly the problem will disappear on its own after the end of the pregnancy and normalization of the abdominal-pelvic area.