The splenic inflammation


Splenic inflammation is an inflammation of the splenic tissue. The causes of the inflammation can be very different. There are numerous infectious diseases in which the spleen is also affected.

Since the spleen contributes to the body’s immune defenses, its activity often increases in systemic infectious diseases. It reacts to the inflammation and the increased activity with swelling, which is accompanied by pain. This is known as splenomegaly.

The causes

The most common cause of inflammation of the spleen is a systemic infectious disease. These include various viral and bacterial pathogens. A classic infection in which the spleen is also affected is Pfeiffer’s glandular fever.

But fungi can also cause splenic inflammation. Furthermore, parasites can lead to splenic inflammation. This includes, for example, the causative agent of malaria.

Malaria triggers chronic splenic inflammation, which causes hardening of the organs. Rarely is a fistula, a small duct between the spleen and the colon the cause of splenic inflammation. An abscess, i.e. an accumulation of pus, then forms in the splenic tissue due to the intestinal bacteria.

The symptoms

The inflammation leads to a swelling of the splenic tissue. Since the soft spleen tissue is located in a hard capsule, the increase in size causes pain, which is localized in the left upper abdomen. Sometimes they can radiate further into the abdomen or back.

The pain can be aggravated by different postures. They can be perceived as a slight feeling of pressure or as a stabbing sensation. A swelling of the spleen, known to medical professionals as splenomegaly, is by no means specific to splenic inflammation.

It occurs in a variety of diseases, which is why it is very important to clarify the cause of splenomegaly. In addition to splenomegaly, other undefined symptoms occur, such as fatigue, fever and tiredness. Exhaustion is noticeable even with the slightest physical exertion.

Furthermore, there is an increased susceptibility to infections. Unfortunately, there are no typical symptoms that clearly indicate an inflammation of the spleen. Depending on the cause of the inflammation, other symptoms may also occur. In the case of chronic inflammation of the spleen, the symptoms are normally not as pronounced as in acute inflammation.