The treatment | The nocturnal restlessness

The treatment

The treatment and therapy of nocturnal restlessness is largely dependent on the triggering cause. If it is stress-related nocturnal restlessness, relaxation techniques or psychotherapeutic methods may be used. If the nocturnal cause is Restless Leg Syndrome, various drug treatment strategies are available.

The effective standard therapy of RLS does not exist so far. In the case of hyperthyroidism, drugs must usually be taken to suppress the hyperactivity of the thyroid. In general, if there is occasional nocturnal restlessness, numerous different triggers come into question.

Avoiding them is usually already a sufficient treatment strategy. Avoid sports activities in the evening, consumption of caffeinated drinks or large amounts of alcohol in the evening, as well as fatty foods shortly before going to bed. There are also indications that the use of digital devices before going to bed is also a trigger for insomnia and restlessness in the evening.

It is therefore best to avoid using digital devices at least half an hour before going to bed. Overall, sleep hygiene is very important, especially for older people. The bed should only be visited when there is sufficient fatigue.

If the sleep is disturbed and restless, sleep during the day, for example in the form of naps, should be avoided if possible. In homeopathic therapy there are numerous remedies that promise to be effective against restlessness or sleep disorders. These include Aconitum (wolfsbane), Argentum nitricum (silver nitrate), Cocculus, Gelsemium (yellow jasmine), Ignatia (ignaz bean) and Nux vomica (nux vomica). Herbal remedies include lavender, valerian, hops, or passion flower. A combination preparation for the treatment of nocturnal restlessness and sleep disorders is, for example, Neurexan®.

The duration

The duration and prognosis of nocturnal restlessness depends largely on the triggering cause. If endurance sports in the evening, large meals or alcohol consumption in the evening lead to the symptoms, then omitting these trigger factors usually ends the restlessness quickly. If there are more serious psychological problems, such as depression, the treatment can take months. Drug therapy is often necessary. Older people in particular often tend to sleep restlessly.These problems can often be solved in the long term and sometimes only by conservative or medicinal measures.