Nervous Restlessness and Sleep Disorders

Advert When nervous restlessness disturbs your night’s rest – what you can do about it Every person has probably felt it at one time or another – the inner restlessness that causes concentration to drop considerably, nervousness to increase significantly and many a night spent sleepless. Also, the affected person could go ballistic at every … Nervous Restlessness and Sleep Disorders

Echondromatosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Patients with echondromatosis suffer from multiple tumors of the bones that cause growth defects, fractures, and deformities. A genetic mutation appears to be responsible for the disease. Treatment is limited to correction of deformities, fracture treatment, and degeneration monitoring of the individual tumors. What is echondromatosis? Enchondromas are cartilaginous tumors that arise primarily from the … Echondromatosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pain At Rest: Causes, Treatment & Help

Painful discomfort can occur both during strain or overexertion, due to poor posture, disease or injury, and during movement. A special form of pain is known as pain at rest. What is pain at rest? In rest pain, patients complain of painful sensations that are evident whenever they are at rest, sitting or sleeping. In … Pain At Rest: Causes, Treatment & Help

Home Remedies for Hiccups

Everyone has been affected by him in his life, the hiccups. Suddenly he is there and can torment some affected people even for hours. Here many people want a quick and effective help, which are promised by many home remedies. But what home remedies are there at all for combating hiccups and which ones work … Home Remedies for Hiccups

Home Remedies for Pain

Pain can significantly affect our daily lives and prevent us from accomplishing our work. However, no person has to endure pain, because there are remedies that can eliminate pain conditions quickly and effectively. Home remedies for pain are good and side-effect-free alternatives to pharmaceutical painkillers. What are the home remedies for pain? Pain can occur … Home Remedies for Pain

Tuina: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Tuina is one of the five pillars of traditional Chinese medicine, TCM. It represents an independent form of massage. With punctual pressure of varying intensity, the classical acupuncture points along the meridians are worked on. What is Tuina? Tuina is one of the five pillars of traditional Chinese medicine. Tuina massage is designed to dissolve … Tuina: Treatment, Effect & Risks


The term “massage” comes from the Arabic and means freely translated as: “to touch” or “to feel”. Introduction The term massage refers to a process in which the skin, connective tissue and muscles are mechanically influenced. This mechanical influence is achieved through various manual stretching, pulling and pressure stimuli. As a rule, a massage serves … Massage

Massage techniques | Massage

Massage techniques Roughly speaking, the different massage techniques are divided into two large groups: the classical and the alternative massage forms. In the course of the classical massage, the skin, connective tissue and muscles are treated at exactly the point where they are worked on by the action of mechanical force. Classical forms of massage … Massage techniques | Massage

Acupressure and Shiatsu

Acupressure and Shiatsu are two relatively similar forms of pressure massage that originate from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as well as Japanese medicine. Acupressure describes the Chinese form of pressure massage, Shiatsu the Japanese variant. Meanwhile the massage forms become ever more popular also in Germany. By applying pressure to the acupressure points located on … Acupressure and Shiatsu


Synonyms Chinese: Zen Jui; Tuina; An-Mo (pressure discs) lat. : acus = needle and premere = press Definition/introduction Acupressure is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. Through targeted massage at acupuncture points, a healing effect is achieved for mild and moderate disorders and diseases. Thus, in contrast to acupuncture, the layman can also treat … Acupressure