Side effects of creatine

Introduction Creatine is considered one of the best researched and most promising nutritional supplements on the market today. However, the study situation regarding creatine is somewhat inscrutable. While there are both studies that certify efficacy, there are just as many studies that say the opposite. With regard to harmfulness, however, all studies suggest that long-term … Side effects of creatine

Side effects after localization | Side effects of creatine

Side effects after localization Side effects of creatine, which affect the testicles or, metaphorically speaking, male potency, are not known. This assumption may be due to the fact that dietary supplements are generally considered “illicit” substances, which are equated with anabolic steroids. However, this is not the case in the slightest. So far, there is … Side effects after localization | Side effects of creatine

Osteoporosis Causes and Treatment

Symptoms In osteoporosis, bones become weak, porous, and brittle and undergo structural changes. Even minor stresses can lead to a fracture, especially of the vertebrae, femoral neck, and wrists. Fractures pose a risk to the elderly and can lead to pain, hospitalization, surgery and disability. In the worst cases, they are even life-threatening. Other possible … Osteoporosis Causes and Treatment


Products There are no drugs containing oxandrolone on the market in many countries. Tablets are available in the United States (e.g., Oxandrin). Structure and properties Oxandrolone (C19H30O3, Mr = 306.4 g/mol) is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Effects Oxandrolone (ATC A14AA08) has anabolic and androgenic properties. The half-life is approximately 10 hours. Indications To promote weight … Oxandrolone

Hirsutism: Excessive Hair Growth

Definition Increased body and facial hair in women corresponding to the male hair type due to androgen-induced conversion of vellus hair to terminal hair. Symptoms Excessive and altered hair growth (thick and pigmented) on the face, chest, abdomen, legs, buttocks, and back Acne Deeper voice Increased muscle mass Decrease in breast size Androgenetic alopecia Views … Hirsutism: Excessive Hair Growth

Doping: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Doping means taking or using illicit substances to achieve an increase in performance, especially in sports. In competitive sports, doping is prohibited because doping substances can sometimes cause serious damage to health as well as an unequal distribution of opportunities in sports competitions. Doping in a broader sense is also common in the world of … Doping: Treatment, Effects & Risks


Products Nandrolone is commercially available as a solution for injection (Deca-Durabolin). It has been approved in many countries since 1960. Structure and properties Nandrolone (C18H26O2, Mr = 274.4 g/mol) is present in the drug in the form of the long-acting prodrug nandrolone decanoate, a white crystalline powder that is practically insoluble in water because of … Nandrolone

Aromatase Inhibitors

Products Aromatase inhibitors are commercially available in the form of film-coated tablets and coated tablets. The first third-generation agent to be approved in many countries was anastrozole in 1996 (Arimidex, USA 1995). Other drugs are available today. The active ingredients available today all belong to the third generation. Earlier agents such as aminoglutethimide and formestane … Aromatase Inhibitors

Active substances in doping

Doping, anabolic steroids, growth hormones, steroids, steroid hormones, beta-2 agonists, diuretics Here you will find detailed information on Anabolic steroids Epo Beta – 2- agonists The beta- 2- agonists (e.g. clenbuterol) also belong today to the group of prohibited doping substances. In 1993, the IOC put this substance on the doping list. The beta- 2- … Active substances in doping


Products In many countries, there are no drugs containing dehydrochlormethyltestosterone on the market. The active ingredient was lanicized in the 1960s and distributed by the state-owned VEB Jenapharm, based in Jena, Thuringia (Oral-Turinabol tablets). Structure and properties Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (C20H27ClO2, Mr = 334.9 g/mol) is a chlorinated derivative of methyltestosterone. Effects Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone has anabolic and androgenic … Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

Products Vaginal suppositories containing dehydroepiandrosterone were registered in many countries in 2020 (Intrarosa). The active ingredient is referred to as prasterone in medications. Furthermore, an intramuscular injection solution containing the prodrug prasterone antate has been registered in many countries (Gynodian Depot). In the United States, dietary supplements (“dietary supplements”) containing dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) have been allowed … Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)