Clinical Psychology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Clinical psychology is a sub-discipline of applied psychology and deals with developmental, emotional, cognitive, behavioral as well as social bases of mental disorders and what effects they have on behavior. Clinical psychology also includes neuropsychology as well as medical psychology. What is clinical psychology? When internal or external disorders affect people, systems, or groups, clinical … Clinical Psychology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Vigilance: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Vigilance is an undirected, permanent state of wakefulness that can take various forms. Clinical symptoms and syndromes that manifest in the form of severely decreased vigilance are called quantitative disorders of consciousness and occur in the context of numerous neurologic, mental, and other diseases. What is vigilance? Vigilance is an undirected, permanent state of wakefulness. … Vigilance: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Volitional Motor Function: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

A motor action is a result of an interaction between cognitive, motor, and sensory processes. Volitional actions, in turn, arise schematically from a completed motor sequence. If, for example, paralysis occurs in a person or if his movements are uncontrolled, the voluntary motor action is disturbed. This is not due to damaged muscles, but to … Volitional Motor Function: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

What is Munchausen Syndrome?

The disease with the interesting name actually goes back to the famous role model Karl Friedrich Hieronymus Freiherr von Münchhausen (1720-1797), also called the “Liar Baron”. Disease pattern Sufferers of severe personality disorder try to get attention by pretending to be ill. They are concerned with medical treatment, preferably hospitalization. Unpleasant or painful examinations or … What is Munchausen Syndrome?

Combine: Function, Task & Diseases

Combining is part of human perception. Through the process of perception, people take in stimuli from their environment. Along with the other cognitive abilities of observing, interpreting, judging, and summing, combining is part of crystalline and fluid intelligence. What is combining? Combining is part of human perception. Through the process of perception, people take in … Combine: Function, Task & Diseases