
Synonyms three-headed arm extensor Latin medical: M. triceps brachiiThe three-headed arm muscle (Musculus triceps brachii), popularly called triceps, is the only muscle that is approx. 4 cm thick and weighs 600 grams and is the antagonist to the three arm flexor muscles. A distinction is made between two short heads originating from the upper arm … Trizeps

Physiotherapeutic measures | Burning and painful soles of the feet – Therapy

Physiotherapeutic measures In physiotherapy, exercises are shown and performed to stabilize the arch of the foot in case of pain and burning in the sole of the foot. These are strengthening exercises for the arch of the foot, which the patient should continue to practice at home. Balance exercises are also built in to further … Physiotherapeutic measures | Burning and painful soles of the feet – Therapy

How can the healing process be accelerated/What aids are available | Burning and painful soles of the feet – Therapy

How can the healing process be accelerated/What aids are available If you want to take active action against the pain and burning in the sole of your foot, you can apply warming ointments to the entire foot to promote blood circulation. Improved blood circulation promotes the healing process on the sole of the foot. The … How can the healing process be accelerated/What aids are available | Burning and painful soles of the feet – Therapy

Pulling in the back

Introduction A pulling in the back is a generally very common symptom. Almost everyone has felt such a pulling from adolescence on and it should not give immediate cause for concern. Often the pain subsides by itself and does not require treatment. Depending on the intensity and duration of the pain, it may be advisable … Pulling in the back

Prophylaxis | Pulling in the back

Prophylaxis Nearly all pulling back pain could be prevented in advance with an increased muscle development of the deep “autochthonous” back muscles. Posture also has an influence on back pain. Thus one should more often consciously pay attention to stand up straight and stretch the back. However, if you specifically train your back, it is … Prophylaxis | Pulling in the back

Trapezius muscle

Synonyms Latin: Musculus trapezius History Approach: Origin: Innervation: N. accessorius, Plexus cervicalis (C 2 – 4) Outer third of the clavicle (externalis acromialis) Shoulder height (Acromion) Shoulder blade bone (spina scapulae) External occipital protuberance (Protuberantia occipitalis externa) Spinous processes of all cervical and thoracic vertebrae Function The trapezius muscle (Musculus trapezius) has different functions due … Trapezius muscle

What exercises are available for the neck? | Exercises at the workplace during PC work

What exercises are available for the neck? For the neck, both loosening exercises can aim at a good mobility in the cervical spine and thus at a relaxation of the neck muscles. To do this, the head is first moved in all directions: the chin is slowly placed on the chest and the head is … What exercises are available for the neck? | Exercises at the workplace during PC work