Home remedy for headaches during pregnancy | Physiotherapy for headaches during pregnancy

Home remedy for headaches during pregnancy With household remedies there are no limits to creativity as long as they do not harm the child. Simple hot-water bottles or grain cushions often help. In general, care should be taken to ensure that enough liquid is taken in, as the need for water increases during pregnancy. Diluted … Home remedy for headaches during pregnancy | Physiotherapy for headaches during pregnancy

Retraction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Retraction is the shrinking or retraction of a tissue, organ, or other anatomical structure. Physiologically, for example, maternal tissues contract during child birth to allow passage of the pushing head. The concept of retraction is also relevant pathophysiologically, for example, retraction of the nipple in carcinoma in situ. What is retraction? Retraction is, for example, … Retraction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Tenofovir: Effects, Uses & Risks

Tenofovir (also tenofovirdisoproxil) is used therapeutically for HIV-1 and hepatitis B infections. Tenofovirdisoproxil is thereby activated in human cells to tenofovir. On the one hand, it inhibits reverse transcriptase in HIV viruses (or DNA polymerase in hepatitis B viruses), and on the other hand, it is incorporated into the viral DNA as a false building … Tenofovir: Effects, Uses & Risks

Tentorium Cerebelli: Structure, Function & Diseases

The tentorium cerebelli is a skin in the brain and separates the posterior fossa (fossa cranii posterior) from the middle fossa (fossa cranii media). The brainstem protrudes through the tentorial slit (incisura tentorii). Tears in the tissue can cause hemorrhage, possibly leading to midbrain syndrome. What is the tentorium cerebelli? The tentorium cerebelli represents an … Tentorium Cerebelli: Structure, Function & Diseases

Terlusollogy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

The doctrine of Terlusollogy is a type doctrine of the violinist Wilk and the physician Hagana, which assumes two breathing and constiution types. With type-appropriate movement, breathing and nutrition, users should be able to improve their personal constitution. So far, the correlations of Terlusollogy have not been scientifically proven. What is terlusollogy? Terlussology is a … Terlusollogy: Treatment, Effects & Risks