Pharmacokinetic Booster

Definition and mechanisms A pharmacokinetic booster is an agent that improves the pharmacokinetic properties of another agent. It is a desirable drug interaction It can exert its effects at different levels (ADME): Absorption (uptake into the body). Distribution (distribution) Metabolism and first-pass metabolism (metabolization). Elimination (excretion) Pharmacokinetic enhancers can increase absorption, increase distribution to an … Pharmacokinetic Booster

How can you boost fat burning?

Introduction There are several ways to effectively boost fat burning and promote weight loss. A healthy diet and lots of exercise are the basis of a healthy lifestyle. With different kinds of sports, the right pulse rate during exercise, relaxation, sufficient sleep and selected foods and drinks, you can positively influence fat burning. What possibilities … How can you boost fat burning?

With Schüssler salts | How can you boost fat burning?

With Schüssler salts There are Schüssler salts whose effects are suitable for slimming. The Schüssler Salt No. 4 “Potassium Chloratum” fights against overweight, relieves ravenous appetite, detoxifies, strengthens the circulation and helps against listlessness. Salt No. 9 “Sodium Phosphoricum” also helps against overweight. It relieves ravenous appetite for sweets and fatty foods, helps against acidity … With Schüssler salts | How can you boost fat burning?