Lily of the Valley Health Benefits

Stem plant Convallariaceae, lily of the valley. Medicinal drug Convallariae herba – lily of the valley herb: the aerial parts of the L. collected at flowering time (PH 4) – no longer officinal. Preparations Discontinued powder Ingredients Cardiac glycosides of the cardenolide type: convallatoxin. Effects Positively inotropic Diuretic: natriuretic, kaliuretic Economizes the work of the … Lily of the Valley Health Benefits


P-glycoprotein P-glycoprotein (P-gp, MDR1) is a primary active efflux transporter with a molecular weight of 170 kDa, belonging to the ABC superfamily and consisting of 1280 amino acids. P-gp is the product of the -gene (formerly: ). P is for , ABC is for . Occurrence P-glycoprotein is found on various tissues of the human … P-Glycoprotein

Budesonide Capsules

Products Budesonide sustained-release capsules have been approved in many countries since 1998 (Entocort CIR, Budenofalk). Structure and properties Budesonide (C25H34O6, Mr = 430.5 g/mol) is a racemate and exists as a white, crystalline, odorless, tasteless powder that is practically insoluble in water. Effects Budesonide (ATC R03BA02) has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and immunosuppressive properties. The effects are … Budesonide Capsules


Synonyms HerzglycosideDigitoxin is an active ingredient belonging to the group of cardiac glycosides. Among other things, it improves the efficiency of the heart and is therefore prescribed, for example, in cases of heart failure (cardiac insufficiency). Origin Digoxin and digitoxin can be extracted from the same plant: The foxglove (Latin: digitalis), therefore they are sometimes … Digitoxin

Interactions | Digitoxin

Interactions Many factors and parallel administration of other medications can influence the digitoxin effect, therefore a precise anamnesis (systematic questioning of the patient about previous illnesses, medication intake, etc.) must be taken before prescription and administration. Factors that can cause interactions include Potassium concentration – hyperkalemia (increased potassium concentration) leads to reduced efficacy, hypokalemia (decreased … Interactions | Digitoxin

Strophanthin: Effects, Uses & Risks

Strophantine is a cardiac glycoside extracted from African trees, shrubs, and climbing plants. The substance interferes with the sodium–potassium balance of cells. This effect has been used by medicine to achieve an increase in the contractility of the heart muscle. What is strophantine? Strophantine is used to achieve an increase in the contractile force of … Strophanthin: Effects, Uses & Risks