Dispensing Categories of Medicinal Products

Definition The dispensing of licensed medicines is strictly regulated by law in many countries. Drugs may be available by prescription (prescription-only), nonprescription, and over-the-counter. Typical dispensing points are pharmacies, drugstores and doctors’ offices, provided that self-dispensing is permitted by the canton. Category E drugs may also be sold in the retail trade, for example in … Dispensing Categories of Medicinal Products


Products Dimenhydrinate is commercially available in the form of tablets, dragées, [chewing gum dragées>chewing gum], and capsules, among others. Since 2012, a combination with the calcium channel blocker cinnarizine has been approved in many countries (Arlevert) see under Cinnarizine and Dimenhydrinate. Structure and properties Dimenhydrinate (C24H28ClN5O3, Mr = 470.0 g/mol) is the salt of diphenhydramine … Dimenhydrinate


Products Antivertiginosa are commercially available in the form of tablets, capsules, and drops, among others. The name of the drug group is derived from anti- (against) and vertigo, the Latin technical term for vertigo or spinning. Structure and properties Antivertiginosa do not have a uniform structure because different drug groups are used. Effects The agents … Antivertiginosa

Motion Sickness

Symptoms The preliminary stages are fatigue, yawning, difficulty concentrating, headache, mood swings, lethargy, and an increased need for sleep. The actual motion sickness manifests itself acutely in symptoms such as cold sweat, pallor, pale complexion, sensations of warmth and cold, faintness, hyperventilation, rapid pulse rate, low blood pressure, salivation, nausea, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Triggers … Motion Sickness

Cinnarizine Effects and Side Effects

Products Cinnarizine is commercially available in the form of capsules, tablets, and drops (Stugeron, generic). It has been approved in many countries since 1968. Since 2012, a fixed combination with dimenhydrinate has been on the market in many countries (Arlevert) see under Cinnarizine and Dimenhydrinate. Structure and properties Cinnarizine (C26H28N2, Mr = 368.51 g/mol) exists … Cinnarizine Effects and Side Effects

Cinnarizine and Dimenhydrinate

Products Cinnarizine and dimenhydrinate are commercially available as a fixed combination in the form of tablets (Arlevert). The drug has been on the market in many countries since 2012. It was available earlier in Germany. Structure and properties The drug consists of 3 molecules in total. Dimenhydrinate is a combination of diphenhydramine and chlorotheophyllin. Effects … Cinnarizine and Dimenhydrinate

Migraine Headache

Symptoms Migraine occurs in attacks. It may announce itself up to three days before an attack with various precursors (prodromes). These include, for example: Mood changes Fatigue Hunger Frequent yawning Irritability Aura may occur before the headache phase in up to about one-third of patients: Visual disturbances such as flickering lights, dots or lines, facial … Migraine Headache


Definition The active ingredient cinnarizine is used to treat symptoms originating from diseases of the inner ear. The inner ear is the organ of equilibrium, which can lead to dizziness and nausea when malfunctioning. Effect The active ingredient cinnarizine is able to reduce the symptoms of Meniere’s disease, namely nausea and dizziness. In addition, cinnarizine … Cinnarizine

Cinnarizine for tinnitus | Cinnarizine

Cinnarizine for tinnitus The term tinnitus refers to a noise in the ear that is perceived by those affected without being triggered by sound waves. The cause of such a phantom noise can be found in very different diseases of the ear. For this reason, the therapy is primarily based on the disease that caused … Cinnarizine for tinnitus | Cinnarizine