
Synonyms Coccyx, Os coccygis Introduction In evolutionary terms, the coccyx represents a developmental artifact. It is considered to be a remnant of the tail of human ancestors. From an anatomical point of view, the coccyx of an upright person forms the lower section of the spine pointing towards the ground. Besides the cervical, thoracic, lumbar … Coccyx

Coccyx pain when sitting

What is coccyx pain when sitting? The coccyx is the lowest part of the spine. It is surrounded by a thin periosteum and is supplied by a fine plexus of nerves, which makes it very sensitive to pain. A variety of different causes can trigger coccyx pain, which often occurs mainly when sitting. Long and … Coccyx pain when sitting

How can I prevent coccyx pain when sitting? | Coccyx pain when sitting

How can I prevent coccyx pain when sitting? In most cases, coccyx pain that occurs in a sitting position is not a disease that can be treated specifically. What can be done is usually only a symptom-oriented therapy to alleviate the symptoms and to avoid circumstances that trigger the symptoms. Since frequent and prolonged sitting … How can I prevent coccyx pain when sitting? | Coccyx pain when sitting

Coccyx pain after birth

Definition After a birth, the extreme strain on the body can cause pain in various places. This often includes the coccyx, since many muscles of the pelvic floor are attached to it, which are put under great strain during birth. The coccyx can become bruised, dislocated or sometimes even broken. This causes severe pain after … Coccyx pain after birth

Symptoms | Inflammation of the coccyx

Symptoms In the presence of an inflammation of the coccyx, the typical signs of inflammation can be observed. However, the symptoms of coccyx inflammation depend on the underlying disease. The affected patients usually experience early stabbing or pulling pain.Depending on the causative disease, this pain can radiate into the buttocks and/or lumbar spine. If the … Symptoms | Inflammation of the coccyx