Gallbladder Cancer: Causes

Pathogenesis (disease development) Gallbladder carcinoma develops on the floor of the dysplasia-carcinoma sequence. Etiology (Causes) Biographic causes Anatomic variants – pancreaticobiliary malunions (PBM; congenital malformations in which the pancreatic/pancreaticobiliary and biliary ducts anatomically join outside the duodenal wall/duodenum). Gender – males to females is 1: 2-3. [due tomore frequent occurrence of gallstones in females]. Behavioral … Gallbladder Cancer: Causes

Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Test and Diagnosis

Laboratory parameters of the 1st order – obligatory laboratory tests. Small blood count Differential blood count CRP (C-reactive protein) or ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). Laboratory parameters 2nd order – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, etc. – for differential diagnostic clarification. Tumor markers (CA 125, Ca 72-2, Ca 15-3,) (very non-specific, often … Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Test and Diagnosis

Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Drug Therapy

Therapeutic goal or recommendations The problem with diagnosing an ovarian tumor is that the vast majority can become malignant (malignant), and malignant ovarian tumors almost exclusively have a poor prognosis. Although the risk of malignancy increases with age (< 30 years about 3%, 40-50 years 5-15%, > 50 years up to 35%), it is basically … Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Drug Therapy

Influenza (Flu): Therapy

General measures Observance of the general hygiene measures! In the occurrence of fever: Bed rest and physical rest (even if fever is only mild; if limb pain and lassitude occur without fever, bed rest and physical rest is also required, because myocarditis/heart muscle inflammation could occur as a result of the infection). Fever below 38.5 … Influenza (Flu): Therapy

Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Diagnostic Tests

Mandatory Medical Device Diagnostics. Sonography (ultrasonography) of the pelvis (vaginal/through the vagina, abdominal/through the abdominal wall, both if necessary) Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination and obligatory laboratory parameters – for differential diagnostic clarification. Doppler sonography (ultrasound examination that can dynamically visualize fluid flows (especially blood flow)). … Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Diagnostic Tests

HPV Infection: Medical History

Family history (medical history) is an important component in the diagnosis of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Family history Social anamnesis Current medical history/systemic medical history (somatic and psychological complaints). In what places have you noticed changes? What do these changes look like? Do you have itching, burning or discharge? Do you have any bleeding? Vegetative … HPV Infection: Medical History

Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Prevention

Prevention of ovarian cysts and other benign neoplasms of the ovary is very limited (exceptions: functional cysts, hyperstimulation syndrome, see below) because there are no known risk factors. Familial burden There are no systematic studies of familial burden in benign (benign) changes of the ovary. However, it is known that families with genetic breast carcinomas … Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Prevention

Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Therapy

General Measures They include, after the diagnosis of a cystic or solid tumor of the lower abdomen, informing the patient as comprehensively as possible about necessary steps of diagnosis and differential diagnosis by obligatory ultrasonography, estimating the risk of malignancy (risk of malignancy) on the basis of anamnestic data and certain ultrasonographic criteria, and informing … Ovarian Cysts and Benign Overay Neoplasms: Therapy

Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Acupuncture The word comes from Latin – “acus” means “needle” and “pungere” means “to prick”. Acupuncture makes use of the so-called meridians (Chinese: “Jing Mo” = pulsating vessel). In these pathways flows an energy called “Qi” (pronounced: chi). The Qi is the energy of our body – the life energy – and it can be … Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Pressure Ulcer

Pressure ulcer (thesaurus synonyms: Decubitus presacralis; decubitus sacralis; decubital ulcer; decubital ulcer of leg; decubital ulcer of foot; decubital ulcer of thigh; decubital ulcer of coccyx; decubital ulcerAnaldecubitus; Decubital ulcer of heel; Decubital ulcer of hip; Decubital ulcer of calf; Decubital ulcer of back; Decubital ulcer of anal area; Decubital ulcer of sacrum; Decubital ulcer … Pressure Ulcer

Lung Cancer (Bronchial Carcinoma): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Respiratory System (J00-J99). Bronchiectasis (synonym: bronchiectasis)-permanent irreversible saccular or cylindrical dilatation of the bronchi (medium-sized airways) that may be congenital or acquired; symptoms: chronic cough with “mouthful expectoration” (large-volume triple-layered sputum: foam, mucus, and pus), fatigue, weight loss, and decreased exercise capacity Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – chronic disease that occurs mainly in smokers. … Lung Cancer (Bronchial Carcinoma): Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Auditory Canal Inflammation (Otitis Externa): Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease) In otitis externa, inflammation of the ear canal occurs due to a variety of triggers. The most common bacterial pathogens are Pseudomonas aeruginosa (58%) and Staphylococcus aureus (18%). Other pathogens may include: Proteus mirabilis (4%), Streptococcus pyogenes (2%), Escherichia coli (2%), Enterococcus sp. (2%), and Aspergillus sp. (2%). Otitis externa diffusa: … Auditory Canal Inflammation (Otitis Externa): Causes