Primary problems with falling asleep and difficulty sleeping through | Problems with falling asleep

Primary problems with falling asleep and difficulty sleeping through With the primary form of a sleep disorder there is only an independent sleep disorder, which means that no other diseases are the trigger for insomnia. Secondary problems with falling asleep and sleep through In the secondary form of sleep disorder, insomnia is a symptom of … Primary problems with falling asleep and difficulty sleeping through | Problems with falling asleep

Paradoxical problems with falling asleep and insomnia | Problems with falling asleep

Paradoxical problems with falling asleep and insomnia Paradoxical insomnia is characterized by complaining about a sleep disorder without objective evidence of one. Here the perception of the actual sleeping ability is disturbed. The impairments of the daily experience and the daily behavior are not connected with the severity of the complained sleep disturbances. The origin … Paradoxical problems with falling asleep and insomnia | Problems with falling asleep

Problems falling asleep and difficulty sleeping through inadequate sleep hygiene | Problems with falling asleep

Problems falling asleep and difficulty sleeping through inadequate sleep hygiene Problems falling asleep and difficulty sleeping through inadequate sleep hygiene is a disturbance with mostly unconscious sleep-incompatible behavior. These behaviors are divided into two groups. On the one hand, those that cause increased cognitive, emotional or somatic behavior before going to bed and those that … Problems falling asleep and difficulty sleeping through inadequate sleep hygiene | Problems with falling asleep

Twitching in sleep

Definition Twitching during sleep can result in difficulties in falling and staying asleep, but is often not noticed by the patients themselves. They are characterized by simple, mostly recurring patterns of movement during sleep, which result in repeated waking and reduce the recovery function of sleep. Parasomnias are phenomena that occur during sleep. They do … Twitching in sleep

Warnings | Convent Lady Melissengeist®

Warnings Klosterfrau Melissengeist® contains 79% alcohol and for this reason internal use is prohibited: Due to the high alcohol content, it is likely that the ability to react is impaired and active participation in road traffic can have criminal consequences. Liver patients Alcoholics Epileptics Brain Damaged Pregnant women Children Dosage Internal use Adults take 5 … Warnings | Convent Lady Melissengeist®

Convent Lady Melissengeist®

Klosterfrau Melissengeist® is a traditional herbal medicine and is traditionally used against various ailments. Its effect is based on tradition only and has never been scientifically researched or justified. Field of application Internal use External use To strengthen/strengthen nerves and circulation, associated with inner restlessness and nervousness Against insomnia For weather sensitivity For improvement in … Convent Lady Melissengeist®

Sleep disorder

Synonyms Lunatism, noctambulism, insomnia, insomnia, moon addiction, difficulty falling asleep, sleep disorders, premature awakening, excessive sleep, (hypersomnia), sleep-wake rhythm disorders, insomnia (asomnia), sleepwalking (moon addiction, somnambulism), nightmares Please also note our topic on neurologically caused sleep disorders Definition A sleep disorder, also known as insomnia, is defined by difficulty in falling asleep, frequent awakening during … Sleep disorder

The bed | Sleep disorder

The bed The bed also plays a decisive role in sleep disorders. Information about beds can also be found under: massif wood beds All articles in this series: Sleep disorder Sleep disturbance due to jet lag The bed