
Introduction Thyronajod® is a preparation for the treatment of thyroid diseases, more precisely the treatment of hypothyroidism or goiter (goiter) without thyroid dysfunction. The manufacturer is the company Sanofi-Aventis. The thyroid gland lies on the neck of the human being in front of the windpipe. Normally it is not visible and palpable. A palpable enlargement … Thyronajodine

Dosage | Thyronajodine

Dosage Thyronajod® should always be taken according to the instructions of the treating physician or pharmacist. The daily dose is determined by the doctor treating the patient. Interactions and other illnesses of the person concerned must be included in the dosage instructions and taken into account when selecting the dose. It is important to take … Dosage | Thyronajodine

Side effects | Thyronajodine

Side effects Since Thyronajod® replaces the body’s own hormone thyroxine, the side effects are similar to hyperthyroidism, especially at the beginning. In the course of the stimulation of the circulation, heart palpitations can therefore occur as a result of a too fast heartbeat (tachycardia), which can even lead to reduced supply of the entire heart … Side effects | Thyronajodine

Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Synonyms in a broader sense Menière’s disease; inner ear vertigo, sudden hearing loss, equilibrium, dizziness. Definition Menière’s disease is a disease of the inner ear and was first and impressively described in 1861 by the French physician Prosper Menière. Meniere’s disease is characterized by an increased accumulation of fluid (hydrops) in the membranous labyrinth of … Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Therapy Menière’s disease | Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Therapy Menière’s disease It is a first and important step in the therapy of Meniere’s disease to inform the patient about the possibility of reducing the severity of an acute attack by means of effective medication. If this occurs, the patient should remain in bed or lie down due to dizziness to avoid a fall … Therapy Menière’s disease | Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Prognosis and course | Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Prognosis and course Usually, as the disease progresses, the hearing loss is progressive and can even lead to deafness. The dizziness, however, decreases in severity. In 10% of patients, both inner ears are affected. Prophylaxis The patient can be prepared for a seizure with the following measures: It may be useful to carry tablets or … Prognosis and course | Therapy of Meniere’s disease

For adults | How do I recognize pneumonia?

For adults Pneumonia in adults can present very differently and have different causes. We distinguish between pneumonia acquired on an outpatient basis (in the everyday environment) and nosocomially (in hospital). Pneumonia acquired on an outpatient basis is typically characterized by a sudden onset of the disease with a pronounced feeling of illness. It is characterized … For adults | How do I recognize pneumonia?

On the X-ray image | How do I recognize pneumonia?

On the X-ray image In the case of pneumonia, there are main and secondary criteria for confirming the diagnosis. The only main criterion is a positive result in conventional X-rays. Here, a newly occurring infiltrate can be seen in conventional x-rays in two planes. It is difficult for an untrained eye to detect such pathologies … On the X-ray image | How do I recognize pneumonia?

Hidden pneumonia | How do I recognize pneumonia?

Hidden pneumonia As pneumonia can vary greatly in its course and does not always show clear symptoms, some patients are easily overlooked. This is particularly the case with atypical pneumonia, which shows little or no fever and cough. They are easily confused with colds. In elderly people or children, pneumonia can also go undetected for … Hidden pneumonia | How do I recognize pneumonia?

Gum bleeding due to stress

Gum bleeding itself is not a disease in itself. Rather, the occurrence of bleeding gums is a widespread symptom, which can be an expression of various underlying diseases. In the majority of cases, the affected persons notice bleeding gums during or after brushing their teeth. Strong rubbing movements of the toothbrush cause severe irritation of … Gum bleeding due to stress