Which alternative therapy can still help? | Home remedy against high blood pressure

Which alternative therapy can still help? One of the most effective measures against high blood pressure is exercise. Moderate exercise is recommended. Ideally, this should be done regularly, i.e. several times a week, in the fresh air. Endurance sports in particular have a positive effect on the blood vessels and the heart, which can effectively … Which alternative therapy can still help? | Home remedy against high blood pressure

How can spinal diseases be diagnosed? | Symptoms of a spinal disease

How can spinal diseases be diagnosed? Through physical examination and supporting x-rays, degenerative spinal diseases can be diagnosed. If a serious disease is suspected, computed tomography (high radiation exposure!) and magnetic resonance imaging (very cost-intensive!) can also be used as diagnostic methods. In this case, a possible injury to the spinal cord (e.g. in the … How can spinal diseases be diagnosed? | Symptoms of a spinal disease

Prognosis of a spinal disease | Symptoms of a spinal disease

Prognosis of a spinal disease As soon as a spinal disease is suspected, the diagnosis should be made. Especially with early therapy, a negative course of the disease can usually be mitigated as best possible. If this early therapy is not carried out, serious consequences can result: Consequential diseases of the untreated spinal column disease … Prognosis of a spinal disease | Symptoms of a spinal disease

Other accompanying symptoms | Ear noises – caused by the cervical spine

Other accompanying symptoms If ear noises come from the cervical spine or jaw, additional symptoms to the ear noises may occur. These can be local symptoms such as neck pain, sensitivity to pressure, loss of mobility in the cervical spine, pain points in the muscles and tension headaches. On the other hand, secondary symptoms can … Other accompanying symptoms | Ear noises – caused by the cervical spine

Prognosis | Ear noises – caused by the cervical spine

Prognosis It is not possible to make a uniform prognosis for the development of ear noises caused by changes in the cervical spine. The multitude of causes means that there are many different treatments. Degenerative processes are not curable, but more or less strongly progressive wear processes. Nevertheless, an improvement of symptoms can be achieved. … Prognosis | Ear noises – caused by the cervical spine


Chemical name Tramadol hydrochloride Prescription requirement Tramadolor® is a prescription-only drug. Definition Tramadolor® contains the active ingredient tramadol, which has a central pain-relieving function. Tramadol belongs to the large pain-inhibiting group of opioids, which are used for moderate to severe pain. However, Tramadolor® does not only consist of the pain-relieving opioid, but also has an … Tramadolor

Interactions | Tramadolor

Interactions Tramadolor® must not be used in case of known hypersensitivity to the active substance (or other components), or poisoning with psychotropic drugs, sleeping pills, painkillers or alcohol. In addition, the use of antidepressant MAO inhibitors in the last 14 days is a contraindication for taking Tramadolor®. Tramadolor® should only be used under close medical … Interactions | Tramadolor

What side effects can occur during discontinuation? | What are the side effects of valproic acid?

What side effects can occur during discontinuation? Medication should never be discontinued by the patient on their own, but always in consultation with a doctor. Sometimes side effects make it necessary to discontinue the antiepileptic drug. Regardless of this, discontinuation of the drug can be considered even after the recommended two-year seizure-free period.In any case, … What side effects can occur during discontinuation? | What are the side effects of valproic acid?

Therapy of Meniere’s disease

Synonyms in a broader sense Menière’s disease; inner ear vertigo, sudden hearing loss, equilibrium, dizziness. Definition Menière’s disease is a disease of the inner ear and was first and impressively described in 1861 by the French physician Prosper Menière. Meniere’s disease is characterized by an increased accumulation of fluid (hydrops) in the membranous labyrinth of … Therapy of Meniere’s disease