What are the costs of a diet shake from Doppelherz®? | Double Heart Diet Shake

What are the costs of a diet shake from Doppelherz®? A 500 gram can of Diet Shake Powder from Doppelherz® with vanilla or chocolate flavor costs between 10 – 12€ in the drugstore, pharmacy or online shops. The Diet Shakes are thus cheaper than the competing products from Almased and Yokebe. One can of protein … What are the costs of a diet shake from Doppelherz®? | Double Heart Diet Shake

Double Heart Diet Shake

Introduction The diet shake from Doppelherz® is a meal replacement for a weight-controlled diet. It contains high-quality soy and milk protein with a total protein content of 25 grams. The protein content serves to maintain the muscles and bones while simultaneously breaking down fat. A diet shake contains 262 calories, to which vitamins B1, B12, … Double Heart Diet Shake