What are the costs of a diet shake from Doppelherz®? | Double Heart Diet Shake

What are the costs of a diet shake from Doppelherz®?

A 500 gram can of Diet Shake Powder from Doppelherz® with vanilla or chocolate flavor costs between 10 – 12€ in the drugstore, pharmacy or online shops. The Diet Shakes are thus cheaper than the competing products from Almased and Yokebe. One can of protein shake powder is enough for about 16 diet shakes that correspond to 16 meals.

This means that a Protein Shake with additional milk costs less than one Euro. In addition to the cost of the Diet Shake Powder, this diet includes the cost of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, etc. Healthy and fresh foods are more expensive than ready-made products, but are undoubtedly healthier for your body and ideal for losing weight. All in all, the costs for losing weight with Diet Shake Powder from Doppelherz® are in the favorable range.