Umbilical Cord Knot

Definition The umbilical cord knot is a dreaded complication during pregnancy and delivery. Increased fetal movement in the womb can cause the umbilical cord to twist or even knot. In the umbilical cord blood vessels run from the mother to the child and back again. This supplies the child with oxygen and nutrients from the … Umbilical Cord Knot

Diagnosis | Umbilical Cord Knot

Diagnosis An umbilical cord knot can possibly be recognized in ultrasound in the form of a larger distension. However, it usually remains undetected during pregnancy and is only noticed when it becomes symptomatic. During pregnancy, the bending of the umbilical cord leads to a deficiency in the supply of the child, which becomes noticeable by … Diagnosis | Umbilical Cord Knot

These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node | Umbilical Cord Knot

These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node The child is supplied with oxygen and nutrients by the mother via the vessels running in the umbilical cord. If the vessels are squeezed, an acute undersupply occurs. Especially the child’s brain reacts very sensitively to a lack of oxygen. This can lead to … These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node | Umbilical Cord Knot

Medicines against allergies | Home pharmacy – Emergency medication & first aid kit

Medicines against allergies Antihistamines inhibit the signal substance histamine, which is mainly involved in triggering an allergic reaction. Simple allergies such as hay fever or mild allergic reactions to insect bites can be controlled well with antihistamines. Antihistamines can theoretically have far-reaching side effects, since histamine has functions almost everywhere in the body. However, they … Medicines against allergies | Home pharmacy – Emergency medication & first aid kit

First aid kit for home | Home pharmacy – Emergency medication & first aid kit

First aid kit for home A first aid kit should contain ample dressing material to treat minor injuries and to adequately cover larger injuries requiring medical treatment, at least temporarily. Road users are obliged to carry a first aid kit, and the contents are also strictly regulated. For our first aid kit at home we … First aid kit for home | Home pharmacy – Emergency medication & first aid kit

Medicines for nausea and travel pills | Home pharmacy – Emergency medication & first aid kit

Medicines for nausea and travel pills Vomex® is a well-known trade name for the active ingredient dimenhydrinate. It is used for nausea and is also contained in many travel tablets. It belongs to the group of antihistamines, which are known to a broad public for their use in allergies or hay fever. In the brain, … Medicines for nausea and travel pills | Home pharmacy – Emergency medication & first aid kit

Medication for diarrhea | Home pharmacy – Emergency medication & first aid kit

Medication for diarrhea Loperamide is an active ingredient that inhibits intestinal movements (peristalsis) and therefore counteracts diarrhea, it is also known as a “peristalsis inhibitor”. Loperamide belongs to the opiods, but only acts peripherally via opiod receptors in the intestine and in the commercially available dosage has no effect in the central nervous system. Nevertheless, … Medication for diarrhea | Home pharmacy – Emergency medication & first aid kit

The Addison crisis

Introduction The Addison crisis is a dreaded complication of adrenal cortex insufficiency. In general, it is a rare but acute disease characterized by a severe lack of cortisol. The Addison’s crisis, or severe cortisol deficiency, is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical treatment. Causes The cause of the Addison crisis is the deficiency of … The Addison crisis

I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms | The Addison crisis

I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms The Addison crisis is characterised by a variety of symptoms. These include, among others: There is also a frequent drop in blood pressure, which can lead to a state of shock. Hypoglycaemia and dehydration (too little water in the body) can also occur during an Addison … I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms | The Addison crisis